Some grumble about the end of summer. Not me. Being able to turn onto Route 6 without taking my life into my hands is one thing I celebrate. September also […]
Recipe Box
Sweet, Salty Tomates d’Été au Fromage Bleu
Garden tomatoes and salty cheese meet in a Montréalais skillet
A couple of weeks ago my mother told me that she had had entirely enough tomatoes for the summer and was now tossing ripe ones from her garden straight into […]
A BOLT of Oyster Genius in a Cocktail-Size Bite
The joy of Nils Bernstein’s oyster BLTs with oyster mayo
The Joy of Oysters hit me like a BOLT — a Bacon, Oyster, Lettuce and Tomato sandwich — Nils Bernstein’s genius pairing of pan-fried oysters and a BLT. Here were […]
A Mess of Late Summer Berries for Dessert
Curing the homesick-for-London blues with a bowl full of meringues, cream, and fruit
Eton mess is my quintessential summer pudding. I don’t mean pudding in the American sense, mind you, but if I called it “dessert,” my mother wouldn’t be happy. I am […]
The Art of Smoking Summer Fish
A good brine, gentle smoke, and patience produce Wellfleet’s second-favorite gift from the sea
A lot of people who go into Hatch’s Fish or Mac’s Seafood markets are shocked to discover that the smoked versions of their favorite seafood are $7 to $10 higher […]
Beach Day Summer Rolls
A cool, crunchy, herby, satisfying lunch wrapped up in a neat little package
I’ll own that I have a reputation as a high-maintenance beachgoer. All summer long, Christopher heads out to find a spot on the sand between Long Nook and Ballston with […]
A Puerto Rican Pernil Makes a Barbecue for a Crowd
Garlicky marinated pork shoulder, slow-roasted on the grill
One thing I’m realizing now that Truro is truly our home is that there are of lots of people we will only get to catch up with in the summer. […]
A Kinder, Gentler (and Delicious) Summer Feast
Proving that plant-based barbecue doesn’t have to be an oxymoron
I have a friend — every vegetarian or vegan has at least one — whose favorite topic of lunchtime conversation is questioning my food choices. “Humans are meant to eat […]
Redefining the Green Salad
Three ways to change up your house special
A person can get stuck in her ways about what constitutes a good salad. Last time we were in Oklahoma for a family visit, my cousin Marge had everyone over […]
The Stripers Are Here. Light Up the Grill!
To add to the thrill: a gingery peach salsa and fresh corn with miso butter
Our black wall phone rang — yes, this happened that long ago — and I heard my husband’s cousin Edward Redonnet’s excited voice on the other end. Edward is a […]
Bright Pops of Summer Joy
Lime, mint, watermelon, and berries make ice pops even parents can love
Summer swept over us like a heavy blanket when we were growing up in New York City. Above ground, my twin sister and I absorbed the fumes of hot asphalt. […]
Wellfleet Yearns for the Lighthouse Blueberry Muffin
Pursuit of a recipe yields an outpouring of nostalgia for the place itself
Peter Simon didn’t really plan to make blueberry muffins when he wrote his post on the Wellfleet Community Space Facebook page asking for a recipe. It was February, and with […]
Julia Child’s Picnic With Henri and Paul
A tart made with onions, herbs, and (no shame here) a frozen puff pastry crust
An oddly familiar voice on the phone said, “I’ve received your letter and would very much like to contribute to your cookbook.” Momentarily stunned, I caught my breath as she […]
Roasted Strawberries Top a Cake to Love Forever
A slow-roasting technique turns berries into jammy jewels
I am a serial monogamist when it comes to seasonal fruits and vegetables. At present, I am in a deep relationship with summer strawberries. The soundtrack of this affair features […]
A Garlicky Aioli Is the Centerpiece of a Summer Spread
Serve on the porch with mismatched plates and plenty of room for whoever is around
It was Wa’reen who taught me how to make aioli. A taciturn African-American woman from New Orleans’s historically Creole 7th Ward, Wa’reen was the cook who ran the hors d’oeuvres […]