BOURNE — Fans arriving late to the game at the John Gallo Arena on Sunday could hear the cheering from well beyond the hockey rink’s walls. The top-ranked, undefeated Nauset […]
The Year-Rounder
Guerino Says Wellfleet Is Making a Comeback
Town operating budget is up 3.4%, with no Prop 2½ override expected
WELLFLEET — In his “State of the Town” talk on March 6, Town Administrator Tom Guerino said that efforts to right the town’s finances, begun three years before he arrived in […]
How to Bring In Four Bushels of Wild Winter Oysters
A day on a dragger, in pursuit of deep-water Wellfleets
WELLFLEET — When Dave Seitler got up at 5 a.m. on Sunday, the first thing he checked was the temperature. Through nearly all of February, low temperatures had stymied his attempts […]
I Walk Alone
Living with loss and holding fast to grief
The trouble with Life is that it is a one-way affair: there is no turning back, no opportunity to rewind the tape, revisit a scene, refresh an event. There is […]
Snow Day
Taking courage from a song sparrow on a wintry walk
These are trying times indeed, but the world persists in sending us gifts on a daily basis, if only we would notice and accept them. Yesterday, the gift was snow: […]
After 4 Years, Truro’s Town Manager Is Out
Kelly Clark takes on Darrin Tangeman’s duties at town hall
TRURO — Town Manager Darrin Tangeman has resigned effective April 8 after four years on the job and with two years remaining on his three-year contract. Assistant Town Manager Kelly […]
The Flag Is Yours and Mine
Conflicted feelings after an agitating sight on the highway
January 21 was a brutally cold day. Driving down Route 6, late for an appointment, I noticed not one but two vehicles with giant American flags billowing behind them. Of […]
The Season of Winnowing
Searching for beauty and completeness on the winter beach
This is the season of winnowing. The wind-scoured streets and what stubbornly remains remind us that we are all just — yes — hanging on. Winter is a test for […]
Charmed by the Wild World
A glimpse beyond our tame lives
It is the darkness itself that is so humbling, so profound — pitch black and dark as death. Driving through Truro on a January night, there is an otherwise lunar […]
The Lesson of the Weeds
We are in a cold time. Everything is brittle and liable to breakage. Despair comes so easily. A few days ago, it was warmer, but still we were pummeled. The […]
Time Rolls On in Lopes Square
It’s really a rectangle and, in summer, a six-ring circus
If MacMillan Wharf is the heart of Provincetown, then surely Lopes Square is its aorta, where thousands of visitors surge, pulse, and begin their journey into town. After their stays, […]
Getting the Name Right
It’s about basic common decency
Many years ago, in that time before cell phones, I was driving up Route I-95 when a familiar voice came on the radio singing “With a Little Help From My […]
The Aftermath
How will we react to the inevitable changes that are coming?
I am a United States citizen in good standing. I have voted in every election since I was old enough to do so, received an honorable discharge from the U.S. […]
What to Do After Tuesday
We must continue to call things as they are
Dear Reader: I am writing to you from the past, specifically late October. If this column manages to get itself written, edited, and published, it will appear in the issue […]
The Last Swim
A land animal considers the joy and solace of immersion
Have you ever heard someone say that they were sorry they went for a swim? Neither have I. Even those hypothermic individuals hauled out of the water during this year’s […]