PLYMOUTH — Inspectors from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) have found apparent violations in the security measures being used to protect the spent fuel storage area on the grounds of […]
A Vision of Small Neighborhoods Comes Into Focus
Townspeople want a ‘cozy’ plan for the 22-acre campground site
WELLFLEET — Some 100 residents turned out for the Nov. 20 “visioning session” on the future of what is now Maurice’s Campground. The crowd was considerably larger than planners at […]
Pilgrim Worker Claims He Was Poisoned by Radiation
Adam Snyder’s lawsuit says Holtec knew of danger and withheld facts
PLYMOUTH — A 41-year-old worker assigned to the decommissioning of the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station for several months in 2021 claims he was poisoned by radiation and that Holtec Pilgrim, […]
Sexton Asks to Delay Review on Two Wellfleet Subdivisions
Developer has appealed Land Court decisions against him on deed and clearcutting cases
WELLFLEET — Kevin Sexton’s plans for two new subdivisions on lots he owns on Old King’s Highway have been awaiting planning board review since they were submitted in early April. […]
Pilgrim Worker Claims He Was Poisoned by Radiation
Adam Snyder’s lawsuit says Holtec knew of danger and withheld facts
PLYMOUTH — A 41-year-old worker assigned to the decommissioning of the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station for several months in 2021 claims he was poisoned by radiation and that Holtec Pilgrim, […]
Wellfleet Commission Delays Demise of Rare 1780s House
Owners get more time to find a solution that could save the building
WELLFLEET — The town’s historical commission has imposed an 18-month delay on the proposed demolition of the Capt. Joseph Hatch house. After a Nov. 6 hearing, the commission determined that […]
An Estate Sale Empties That Big House on the Bluff
Conservation commission wants a plan as risk of Blasch house collapse rises
WELLFLEET — The estate sale of furniture, small appliances, and decorative items at the house that has loomed over the estuary and bay as well as over residents’ minds from […]
In Eastham, Music, Camaraderie, and HIIT Are Hot
Among the seniors, a class that’s right for the high-intensity types
EASTHAM — High Intensity Interval Training, known as HIIT, isn’t the kind of exercise regimen that one would automatically associate with the over-65 crowd, but the program has been hugely […]
Contractor Says Demolition Did Truro ‘a Favor’
Cape Cod Builders has a history of suing municipalities
TRURO — Cape Cod Builders, without the town’s permission, demolished a cottage in early October instead of renovating it for use as employee housing as the firm’s contract required. Thomas […]
DMF Wants to Draw New Clam Dredging Line
Conservationists and fishermen eye revised rules to protect eelgrass beds
PROVINCETOWN — Hydraulic dredging for surf clams has long been a contentious topic in Provincetown — where the town has been active in managing fishing off Herring Cove. This is […]
Owners Say They Can’t Afford to Save Capt. Joseph Hatch House
Commission deems the 1780 house historically significant
WELLFLEET — Matthew Walker and Sally McCarthy, who live in Washington, D.C., have applied for a permit to demolish the Capt. Joseph Hatch House, a full Cape built around 1780. The […]
Orleans Agricultural Council Tosses Out Proposed Rules
Local backyard farmers show up and push back
ORLEANS — The flap over the noisy roosters in this “right to farm” town may not be over, but the agricultural advisory council’s plan to institute some requirements on local […]
Builder Hired to Restore Cottage Tears It Down
Cottages remaining on Walsh property can go, says commission
TRURO — Cape Cod Builders Inc., the Bourne company hired by the town to renovate a cottage for employee housing, instead demolished it sometime over the weekend of Oct. 5-6 […]
Orleans Agricultural Council Slows Down on Route to New Rules
Chair says the aim is to strengthen, not curtail, ‘right-to-farm’ bylaw
ORLEANS — The predawn crowing of two roosters at 39 Hopkins Lane, who neighbors say announce the start of each day around 4 a.m., prompted several complaints at the town’s […]
A New Wellness Center Offers In-Person Support
Its focus is on helping those affected by substance use disorder
WELLFLEET — Outer Cape Health Services has opened a new behavioral health facility in Wellfleet. It will be open year-round to help people recovering from substance use disorder. The A.I.M. […]