Editor’s note: This article has been updated with the latest information from local and county public health officials as of Saturday, July 24. We will continue to update as new […]
Health & Healthcare
Lessons From the VaxBus in Provincetown
Longer stops, better location, and a good DJ would have helped
PROVINCETOWN — The state’s “Pittsfield to Provincetown” mobile vaccination tour made a full-day stop at Provincetown’s bus stop near the Municipal Parking Lot at MacMillan Pier last Thursday, July 15. […]
Covid Returns, ‘Less Severe, More Manageable’
Many vaccinated people are infected, but none are hospitalized
PROVINCETOWN — There is a new outbreak of detected Covid-19 cases in Provincetown. “Since the end of last week, they’ve been finding several cases a day” at Outer Cape Health […]
A SOAP Program Designed to Keep Patients Clean
An increase in reimbursements from MassHealth is ‘financial game changer’ for OCHS
PROVINCETOWN — Outer Cape Health Services has begun offering a form of intensive outpatient treatment to help people with addiction disorders. The Structured Outpatient Addiction Program, or SOAP, provides group […]
Telltale Signs of the Veterinary Worker
The importance of a sense of humor and a poker face
You can look at some people and know what they do for work. I think that’s true for those in the veterinary world. There are the standard clues: they’re covered […]
A Walk Down Commercial St. Reveals Current Conundrums
Mask preferences and policies mark this not really post-pandemic moment
PROVINCETOWN — Kohi Coffee Co., at 199 Commercial St., set back from the sidewalk in a beachfront space, currently has a sign on its front door informing customers as they […]
Baker Ends Nearly All Pandemic-Related Restrictions
Business closures, rules for gatherings will disappear May 29
PROVINCETOWN — Citing a first-in-the-nation vaccine rollout and a plummeting count of Covid-19 cases, Gov. Charlie Baker moved the state’s “end of restrictions” date from the previously announced Aug. 1 […]
Walk-In Vaccine Clinics Now Available
Everyone is eligible with a valid I.D.
PROVINCETOWN — Good news for the technologically challenged and the bad-at-planning: three vaccination sites on the Outer Cape are now offering the Covid-19 vaccine to walk-in patients. All you need […]
Outer Cape Leads Mass. in Vaccination Rates
All four Outer Cape towns are in the state’s top 10
PROVINCETOWN — The state’s April 15 Covid vaccination report has great news for the Outer Cape. The top-line numbers show that the four outermost towns have among the highest Covid […]
Answers to Your Most Vaxxing Questions
Advice from a self-taught epidemiologist and internet sensation
@heyfromptown asks: Sooo, I’m in my 20s, and it’s going to be forever until I’m, like, fully vaccinated. I heard young people are getting trounced by side effects because we […]
Slowly But Surely, Vaccines
Everyone age 60 to 64 and many who work in public are now eligible for Covid vaccinations, including restaurant, retail, grocery, public works, transportation, and sanitation workers. There are several […]
Statewide Pre-Registration Is Now Available
A more orderly and less traumatic system
People who are currently eligible for a vaccine, or who will be eligible later in phase two, can now put their names and contact information into a statewide pre-registration system […]
Getting Vaccine Appointments Is Still Difficult
But joint efforts by local agencies are starting to help
Scoring an appointment for a Covid-19 vaccination has become a little easier due to tweaks to the state registration sites, but it remains a time-consuming and frustrating task. And for […]
Cosmetic Surgery: It Does Happen Here
Behind pandemic masks, and tempered by Puritanism, the quest for perfection persists
PROVINCETOWN — Cape Cod and, for that matter, New England are perhaps not the first places one thinks of when one hears the words “plastic surgery.” We value our old […]
Covid Relief Targets Outer Cape’s Smallest Businesses
Programs fill earlier gaps in CARES Act awards
PROVINCETOWN — When much of the American economy was forced to shut down last March due to Covid, Congress passed trillions of dollars of relief spending in just weeks. There […]