ORLEANS — Software entrepreneurs Patricia and Thomas R. Kennedy, who live in Miami Beach, Fla. but own properties in Brewster and Harwich, have purchased the mortgage note for the financially […]
Provincetown Ups Year-Round Rental Incentives
Property tax discounts and ‘Lease to Locals’ checks aim to shore up rental market
PROVINCETOWN — This town has for years led the Outer Cape in the production of state-subsidized rental housing, with 174 affordable units already built here and 65 more to be […]
Historic Wellfleet Inn Goes Up for Sale to Cover Owners’ Debts
Big dreams dissolved into disputes, a fire, and bankruptcy
WELLFLEET — John O’Toole and Grant Hester were newly married and living in Provincetown when they bought the historic inn and restaurant at 70 Main St. here in April 2022. […]
A Shank Painter Vision Will Come to Town Meeting
Zoning to promote pedestrian safety, new housing, and ‘the future as we want it to be’
PROVINCETOWN — If Commercial Street is Provincetown’s unforgettable face, and Bradford Street its beating heart, then Shank Painter Road would be a body part rather less glamorous — the digestive […]
DPW Price Tag Will Be $26M to $30M, Says Project Manager
Updated cost estimates reignite concerns as design process lags
TRURO — The projected cost of an upgraded Dept. of Public Works (DPW) facility, which has been on the town’s agenda for at least 13 years, has climbed back up […]
When Housing Stability Arrives by Lottery
Provincetown’s affordable-ownership lotteries offer a chance at an elusive dream
PROVINCETOWN — Humberto Ortega and Maria Pinelo were working at Shirts N Stuff on Commercial Street on Aug. 1 when Deputy Housing Director Mackenzie Perry called Ortega on his cell […]
Developers Propose 40 Condos, 30 Below Market
Select board likes idea of $4 million to subsidize condos instead of rentals
PROVINCETOWN — The latest effort to create middle-income housing here underwent a major revision this month when the select board endorsed a change in plans for a new 40-unit building […]
At Near Empty Airport, Plans for Next Winter
The town is talking with other airlines and pursuing federal funds
PROVINCETOWN — Out on Race Point Road at the windswept end of the Cape Cod National Seashore, the lights are still on at Provincetown’s airport. The building is open every […]
Condemned House Could Go Into Receivership Next Week
At Dec. 17 hearing, owner Robert Bonds is to show his progress on repairs
WELLFLEET — The owner of a sprawling house at 177 Peace Valley Road that has been abandoned for years and condemned since 2018 has been given a final chance to […]
Stalled Collins Cove Agreement Leads to Lawsuit
Prospective buyer claims owners’ change of heart is a breach of contract
EASTHAM — Brewster businessman Gary Vecchione recently set up a social media page called Collins Cove Cottage Condos, where he announced that he plans to purchase the seven houses built […]
$15-Million U.S. Grant for Stellwagen Visitor Center Is Canceled
Funds would have covered only some costs of the Provincetown facility
PROVINCETOWN — A yearslong effort to build a visitor center for the Gerry E. Studds Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary ended in October when the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration […]
Five Years of Fits and Starts for Walsh Property
A new ad hoc committee is told that water supply is the project’s next major hurdle
This article was updated on Dec. 10, 2024. TRURO — Political roadblocks, infrastructure challenges, and bureaucratic delays have kept the 69.9-acre Walsh property in a kind of limbo since Truro’s […]
$2M Grant to Fishermen’s Alliance Means More Boats Gathering Ocean Data
Center for Coastal Studies will install sensors to expand a measurement network
CHATHAM — Strange things have been happening in recent years in the Gulf of Maine, the 36,000 square miles of relatively enclosed ocean stretching from Cape Cod to Nova Scotia. […]
A Look Back on the Fishing Season
In 2024, fewer bass and blues on the bay side and the return of fluke
As we wrap up the year, there’s some recent news: the early arrival on Nov. 18 of two North Atlantic right whales. Scientists from the Center for Coastal Studies were […]
Truro DPW Project Remains Mired in Controversy
Conflicting views about a town meeting vote bog down progress
TRURO — Construction of a new Dept. of Public Works facility, which town officials had hoped to complete by 2027, appears unlikely to meet that deadline. The project is mired […]