PROVINCETOWN — A hotly-contested inclusionary housing project at 22 and 22R Nelson Ave. in Provincetown is currently for sale. After securing permits to build 12 townhouse-style condominiums on two adjacent […]
State Health Officials Get an Earful on Cape’s Needs
Unsurprisingly, housing is the number one issue
PROVINCETOWN — The regional housing crisis is also a health-care crisis. At a June 30 roundtable with top state health officials, social service providers from the Outer, Lower, and Mid-Cape […]
Eastham Board OKs Closer Look at Tiny Houses
Changes in state rules may help towns take up small-scale solutions
EASTHAM — Tiny houses — often defined as dwellings smaller than 400 or 500 square feet — may be coming to Eastham if regulatory departments and the local zoning task […]
Paine Hollow Project Delayed for Another Year
Wellfleet withdraws RFP for 90 Freeman Ave. house
WELLFLEET — The nearly two-decade-long delay, caused by abutters’ lawsuits, of an affordable housing development at 120 Paine Hollow Road just got longer. Developer Ted Malone received word from Assistant […]
Even in a Lull, Prices for Most Short-Term Rentals Rise
Some formerly hot properties are vacant for the first time in years
PROVINCETOWN — When Anna Leister bought a small seasonal cottage on the Wellfleet-Eastham line at the outset of the pandemic, she wasn’t looking to make money. Leister lives in Braintree, […]
Sal Del Deo, 94, Is Ordered to Leave Dune Shack
The Park Service has ‘missed the forest for the trees,’ he says
PROVINCETOWN — The leasing contest that the National Park Service announced on May 1 for eight of the 18 dune shacks in the Peaked Hill Bars Historic District, on the […]
Students Walk Because ‘We See What’s Happening to Our Friends’
Provincetown middle-schoolers raise awareness and money at the Walk for Home
PROVINCETOWN — One of the major donors to the Homeless Prevention Council’s recent Walk for Home campaign was a team from the Provincetown middle school’s National Junior Honor Society. “We […]
Napi’s Tenants Are Again Facing Eviction
A tenant’s lawyer says eviction letter is ‘retaliatory and clearly illegal’
PROVINCETOWN — Two years after the new owners of Napi’s Restaurant evicted at least seven former employees from restaurant-owned housing, current tenants of those units continue to face the threat […]
Staffing Crisis Puts Maurice’s Planning on Hold
Resignation of assistant town administrator is latest blow to town’s capacity
WELLFLEET — Bids on a master plan for housing at Maurice’s Campground were supposed to be due on June 21, and interest in the project was strong. But the committee […]
State Awards $29 Million for Jerome Smith Apartments
Wellfleet’s 95 Lawrence Road project will reapply in August
PROVINCETOWN — The 65-unit affordable housing project at the former VFW site at 3 Jerome Smith Road in Provincetown was funded by the state last week to a tune of […]
Cape Cod Commission Is Developing a Housing Strategy
A menu of policies should be released in fall; in the meantime, there’s a survey online
PROVINCETOWN — If you’re subscribed to emails from your town’s government, you’ve probably received a message recently asking you to respond to the Cape Cod Commission’s Regional Housing Preference Survey. […]
Owners Agree to Downsize House on Boat Meadow Marsh
A compromise takes out ‘things that made it over the top’
EASTHAM — The owners of a property overlooking Boat Meadow marsh have agreed to compromise with their neighbors and downsize a plan to replace an existing cottage with a large […]
Walsh Committee Stands by Its Housing Unit Vote
A water tower may also be constructed northeast of the Walsh property
TRURO — When Tighe & Bond consultant Gordon Leedy presented a draft conceptual plan for 224 housing units at the Walsh Property Community Planning Committee’s April 19 meeting, the plan […]
ZBA Asks New Owners and Abutters to Compromise on Big House
A vote to reduce house size and visual impact is reversed
EASTHAM — The zoning board of appeals spent more than two hours on April 6 considering an appeal filed by abutters opposed to the planning board’s recent approval of a […]
VMCC Study Identifies New Housing Site in Parking Lot
Replacing parking spaces with housing looks easy, say Provincetown's consulting engineers
PROVINCETOWN — Engineers from the municipal contractor Weston & Sampson told the select board on March 27 that the town had three options for rebuilding the Veterans Memorial Community Center […]