EASTHAM — Despite a bitter disagreement between the sellers and a prospective buyer, the Collins Cove Cottage Colony, a cluster of summer rentals on the shore of Town Cove owned […]
When a Bird Ignores Its Zugunruhe
Looking for lingerers and finding the reasons some birds stay here for the winter
Zugunruhe is one of those perfect German words that have no equivalent in English, so we Anglophones just decided to steal it outright. The word translates as “migration-anxiety” and describes […]
This Week’s Bird Sightings
Confirmed bird sightings on the Outer Cape in the week preceding the Independent’s early deadline on Monday, Dec. 23 included the following, based on a report prepared by Mass Audubon’s […]
Never Too Soon for Sunscreen
Last week we marked the winter solstice, the daylight’s yearly nadir; now, each subsequent day will bring with it incrementally more sunshine. Xanthoria parietina is ready. The orange coloring of […]
Town and Neighbors Join Up to Face Future Floods
DPW tests new barriers as Howland Street residents organize against rising tides
PROVINCETOWN — Serious flooding used to be rare in Provincetown, but since 2018 four major floods have struck. And after a December 2022 flood brought water as deep as five […]
Nap Time for a Fancy Fern
The local ferns in the Dryopteris genus all have feather-like fronds, but they can be differentiated by their varying degrees of frilliness. The compound leaves of D. marginalis, the marginal […]
This Week’s Bird Sightings
Confirmed bird sightings on the Outer Cape in the week preceding the Independent’s deadline on Tuesday, Dec. 17 included the following, based on a report prepared by Mass Audubon’s Wellfleet […]
A Rabbit Species That Once Was Lost Is Now Found
The rare New England cottontail persists, and maybe thrives, on the Outer Cape
WELLFLEET — For decades, the New England cottontail, a rare species of rabbit, appeared to be nearly wiped out here. But a new study has found evidence that these rabbits […]
At the Deer-Check Station, Science and Tradition Cross Paths
For one week in shotgun season, state biologists examine every deer taken in the state
ORLEANS — In the long, flat twilight of a December afternoon, two pickup trucks rolled up to the rear entrance of the Goose Hummock Shop in Orleans a few minutes […]
A Rabbit Species That Once Was Lost Is Now Found
The rare New England cottontail persists, and maybe thrives, on the Outer Cape
WELLFLEET — For decades, the New England cottontail, a rare species of rabbit, appeared to be nearly wiped out here. But a new study has found evidence that these rabbits […]
It’s a Holly, Y’all
The Outer Cape is the last stop on the train for Ilex opaca, the American holly, a southern tree whose range snakes up the mid-Atlantic and New England coasts before […]
This Week’s Bird Sightings
Confirmed bird sightings on the Outer Cape in the week preceding the Independent’s deadline on Tuesday, Dec. 10 included the following, based on a report prepared by Mass Audubon’s Wellfleet […]
NRC Finds Apparent Security Violations at Pilgrim
‘Escalated enforcement action’ may be needed to protect spent fuel storage area
PLYMOUTH — Inspectors from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) have found apparent violations in the security measures being used to protect the spent fuel storage area on the grounds of […]
Officials Want Handlers of Rabid Raccoon to Seek Care
If tests show the animal was from here, wild animals will be vaccinated in spring
EASTHAM — A dead raccoon that turned up on Smith Lane with a face full of porcupine quills on Nov. 17 tested positive for raccoon variant rabies — a variant […]
$2M Grant to Fishermen’s Alliance Means More Boats Gathering Ocean Data
Center for Coastal Studies will install sensors to expand a measurement network
CHATHAM — Strange things have been happening in recent years in the Gulf of Maine, the 36,000 square miles of relatively enclosed ocean stretching from Cape Cod to Nova Scotia. […]