When you walk into the campground area north of the parking lot at Mass Audubon’s Wellfleet Bay Sanctuary, you’ll likely hear the twittery trill of birdsong emanating from the pines. […]
A Grass Presages Autumn
The tan flower stalks of Deschampsia flexuosa seem out of place this early in the season, presaging the end of summer just when we were getting warmed up. A cool-season […]
This Week’s Bird Sightings
Confirmed bird sightings on the Outer Cape in the week preceding the Independent’s deadline on Tuesday, July 16 included the following, based on a report prepared by Mass Audubon’s Wellfleet […]
Dolphins’ ‘Signature Calls’ Could Predict Strandings
A 2021 study done in Wellfleet Harbor suggests a possible early warning system
WELLFLEET — The unique sounds known as “signature whistles” that all the dolphin species found in Cape Cod waters use to identify themselves may be the key to finding out […]
Beach Access Limited When Plovers Nest Near Trails
The trail from Snail Road leads to a barrier that protects vulnerable nests
PROVINCETOWN — Mildred Champlin remembers a time when piping plover chicks were in constant danger of being run over by cars on Race Point Beach. She has spent every summer […]
Inside Sharktivity
Crowdsourcing makes the Atlantic White Shark Conservancy’s app tick
PROVINCETOWN — As the waters off Outer Cape Cod warm and beaches fill, John Chisholm, the man working the virtual tip line at Sharktivity, knows his workload is about to […]
Townspeople and Consultants Head Deeper Into Coastal Resilience Plan
Provincetown’s future floodplains include large swathes of its historic core
PROVINCETOWN — Four winter storms in the last seven years have pushed seawater across Commercial Street and into neighborhoods, inundating homes and businesses near town hall in 2018, along Howland […]
Nothing to Smile At
’Round these parts, venturing off the forest trail and into the brush is not without some risk. Poison ivy is common, Lyme-bearing ticks lie in wait, and the native vine […]
This Week’s Bird Sightings
Confirmed bird sightings on the Outer Cape in the week preceding the Independent’s deadline on Tuesday, July 9 included the following, based on a report prepared by Mass Audubon’s Wellfleet […]
Stranding Stirs Dolphin Rescue Effort at ‘the Gut’
125 Atlantic white-sided dolphins are trapped at low tide
WELLFLEET — Last week’s mass dolphin stranding here is thought to be the largest in at least a quarter century, and its causes may never be fully explained. One hundred twenty-five […]
Bacteria Monitoring Expands in Outer Cape Towns
Runoff and climate change will likely make blooms more common
PROVINCETOWN — Sophia Feuerhake and Jacob Scola meet at the entrance to Clapps Pond off Route 6 and unload a box full of equipment — tubes, nets, bottles, and a […]
Whale Watching Is for the Tubenoses
Going offshore for a closer look at seabirds
I’ve always loved visiting nature in ways that make me feel out of my element. We have so dominated nature, so domesticated it, so segregated it from our normal lives […]
A Local Rose Has Its Day
The last days of May saw the first beachside blooms of the naturalized Asian species Rosa rugosa, and June was filled with the dramatic, arching white displays of multiflora rose, […]
This Week’s Bird Sightings
Confirmed bird sightings on the Outer Cape in the week preceding the Independent’s deadline on Monday, July 1 included the following, based on a report prepared by Mass Audubon’s Wellfleet […]
In Wellfleet, Mooring Means Your Rudder’s in the Mud
The upside: there’s no waiting list for a spot in the field
WELLFLEET — It’s been so long since the mooring field in the harbor was dredged that those most familiar with the marina can only guess how many boats it might […]