WELLFLEET — The estate sale of furniture, small appliances, and decorative items at the house that has loomed over the estuary and bay as well as over residents’ minds from […]
In Eastham, Music, Camaraderie, and HIIT Are Hot
Among the seniors, a class that’s right for the high-intensity types
EASTHAM — High Intensity Interval Training, known as HIIT, isn’t the kind of exercise regimen that one would automatically associate with the over-65 crowd, but the program has been hugely […]
Contractor Says Demolition Did Truro ‘a Favor’
Cape Cod Builders has a history of suing municipalities
TRURO — Cape Cod Builders, without the town’s permission, demolished a cottage in early October instead of renovating it for use as employee housing as the firm’s contract required. Thomas […]
DMF Wants to Draw New Clam Dredging Line
Conservationists and fishermen eye revised rules to protect eelgrass beds
PROVINCETOWN — Hydraulic dredging for surf clams has long been a contentious topic in Provincetown — where the town has been active in managing fishing off Herring Cove. This is […]
Owners Say They Can’t Afford to Save Capt. Joseph Hatch House
Commission deems the 1780 house historically significant
WELLFLEET — Matthew Walker and Sally McCarthy, who live in Washington, D.C., have applied for a permit to demolish the Capt. Joseph Hatch House, a full Cape built around 1780. The […]
Orleans Agricultural Council Tosses Out Proposed Rules
Local backyard farmers show up and push back
ORLEANS — The flap over the noisy roosters in this “right to farm” town may not be over, but the agricultural advisory council’s plan to institute some requirements on local […]
Builder Hired to Restore Cottage Tears It Down
Cottages remaining on Walsh property can go, says commission
TRURO — Cape Cod Builders Inc., the Bourne company hired by the town to renovate a cottage for employee housing, instead demolished it sometime over the weekend of Oct. 5-6 […]
Orleans Agricultural Council Slows Down on Route to New Rules
Chair says the aim is to strengthen, not curtail, ‘right-to-farm’ bylaw
ORLEANS — The predawn crowing of two roosters at 39 Hopkins Lane, who neighbors say announce the start of each day around 4 a.m., prompted several complaints at the town’s […]
A New Wellness Center Offers In-Person Support
Its focus is on helping those affected by substance use disorder
WELLFLEET — Outer Cape Health Services has opened a new behavioral health facility in Wellfleet. It will be open year-round to help people recovering from substance use disorder. The A.I.M. […]
DEP Wants to Allow ‘Intervenors’ in Holtec Appeal Hearing
Environmental, fishing, and real estate groups join forces against wastewater release
PLYMOUTH — The state Dept. of Environmental Protection (DEP) determined in July that Holtec Decommissioning International’s proposal to discharge up to one million gallons of wastewater from the Pilgrim Nuclear […]
22 Sheraton Workers Lived in 2 Rooms This Summer
The J-1 student visa holders get an American cultural experience
EASTHAM — The 22 seasonal workers who spent the summer employed at the Four Points Sheraton in Eastham as part of the J-1 visa program have now returned home. It’s […]
Kindergarten Vaccination Rates Fall Short
Lack of ‘herd immunity’ risks outbreak of preventable diseases
The immunization of children entering kindergarten against preventable diseases in all four towns on Outer Cape Cod lags far behind statewide averages. In both Truro and Provincetown, less than 80 […]
IRS Tells Delgizzi’s Tenants It Will Collect the Rent
A judge’s Sept. 2 order could lead to contempt of court sanctions
TRURO — Officials from the Internal Revenue Service knocked on the doors of tenants who rent from David Delgizzi here last week and instructed them to make their rent payments […]
Truro and Disabilities Group Can’t Reach Compromise on Deck
Conservation commission says temporary platform could cause damage in a storm
TRURO — An organization established to provide opportunities for people with disabilities to engage in activities that others enjoy is locked in a dispute with the Truro Conservation Commission over […]
Owner of Seashore Park Inn Halts Auction With Bankruptcy Filing
Perkins put the LLC that holds Orleans motel into Chapter 11 last week
ORLEANS — Taylor Perkins, a hotelier based in York, Maine, purchased two motels and a vacation-rental property in three different Lower Cape towns in the last two years through a […]