My dad’s a shellfisherman. Grandma is. She digs a bunch of clams. She’s really good at what she does. She gets a lot of clams for the truck at the pier.
My dad has a huge boat out on his grant, and me and my brother Asher play on the boat, and when we are not, we dig clams. I’ve made like [laughs] 60 bucks in all. Every clam is about 30 cents. So four clams is like a dollar and 20 cents. The best day was when I dug about 200 clams. I used the money on my dad’s farm to buy Pokemon.
I’m probably going to college in England. And then after college, I’m probably going to come back here. I might be a cop. That’s what I might do. I still haven’t really decided yet. I am literally only eight years old.
I am Everett Austin. Yeah, a pretty good life. I will say that.
Everett Austin / eight years old / September 2019
Listen to a one minute recording of Everett here.