The Provincetown Independent welcomes letters from readers. No fancy form for now; just send us an email. Please include your phone number, for verification, not publication.
‘It took us back’
To the editor:
We enjoyed Dennis Minsky’s essay, “Peculiar and Superior,” in the first issue of the Independent. It took us back to our year-round days, ’72 to ’75.
He wrote that he became a year-rounder in ’05, but Dennis was there all winter in ’72. He got us there, saying, “Great apartment at 606, but you need to take it by tomorrow morning.” I don’t know if we would ever have made the move without that kick in the pants, arriving in the dead of February.
—Joel and Sheila Grossman, West Newbury
Scooping the Post
To the editor:
Elspeth Hay [“Danger Blooms in Cape Cod Ponds,” Aug. 9] beat the Washington Post on the climate change story and cyanobacteria, which the Post reported on Aug. 13 in “2°C: Beyond the Limit.”
—C. Wilson Sullivan, Wellfleet
To the editor:
I just did the crossword and read “The Year-Rounder.” Really nice writing. Looking forward to enjoying more of it.
Kudos for the enterprise!
—Sue Post, Truro