Participants in a silent march and meditation held to celebrate the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. gathered in Wellfleet on Jan. 20. Afterward, Wellfleet Preservation Hall opened its doors for speeches and a show of works that take up the connection between making art and making peace. The walk and exhibit were organized by the local ArtPeace Makers collective. The art show continues through Feb. 4. (Photo by Nancy Bloom)
Artist Myra Kooy (right) and poet Kate Wallace Rogers at the MLK Day march in Wellfleet. (Photo by Nancy Bloom)
“Inaugurate Love, Not Hate” read one sign at the Wellfleet march. The celebration of Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday this year coincided with the U.S. presidential inauguration. (Photo by Harriet Korim)
Jeanne Morrison of Hyannis received this year’s Racial Justice Award from the MLK Action Team — the racial justice arm of the Nauset Interfaith Association — in recognition of her community leadership. Morrison is chair of the Barnstable County Human Rights Advisory Commission, co-president of the League of Women Voters of the Cape Cod Area, and is an organizer of No Place for Hate. Her mother, Mary Morrison, and her brother Jon were on hand for the ceremony at the group’s annual breakfast on Monday. (Photo by Deborah Ullman)