EASTHAM — The Nauset Regional High School Class of 2024 walked confidently onto the football field on Friday, June 7 for their graduation ceremony. Among the 186 graduates from across Cape Cod, 56 were from the four towns of the Outer Cape.

Class president Violet Rein Bosworth of Truro told the audience that this class had managed to make the best of four not-so-ordinary years of high school.
“The Class of 2024 is adaptable,” she said, recalling how students had adjusted to a freshman year characterized by isolation because of the pandemic, a bulldozed campus, thanks to the renovations still underway, and a new administration that started midway through their years at the school.

“It was a group struggle, which in some ways was unfortunate,” Rein Bosworth told the Independent on June 10. But the students learned above all to be resilient, she said. “We made the best of it; we made the experience our own.”
Graduation day was no exception: “The weather was supposed to be beautiful, but of course the fog rolled in,” she said. “We just went with it, and it ended up being great.”

Speaking to the graduating class, Nauset Supt. Brooke Clenchy said, “I hope that you will remember to be kind as you do good and great things.” She told the class that “kindness creates such a simple yet powerful foundation — one which we can build strong relationships upon, compassionate communities, and a better world.”
Rein Bosworth, who held leadership positions in the student council and senate, said she was inspired to get involved in extracurriculars after a prom-less, pep rally-free freshman year. In student-led groups she took on planning roles in events her class had missed out on early in high school.

This year’s prom was one example. The party was held at the Wychmere Beach Club in Harwich thanks to contributions from local businesses, which sponsored tables so that all seniors could celebrate the day. Their families got involved, too, said Katie McCully, the senior class adviser: “Even the flowers were free, as parents donated cuttings from their yards so that we could make bouquets.”
“It made up for everything we’d lost,” Rein Bosworth said.

In her speech at the ceremony, Rein Bosworth talked about the ways she and her classmates will join the larger community. “The students standing behind me are environmentalists, artists, athletes, chefs, sailors, entrepreneurs, event planners, volunteers, and leaders,” she said. “We will attend Ivy Leagues, play D1 sports, serve our country, travel the world, and dive right into the workforce.”
Principal Patrick Clark addressed the crowd with remarks written in verse. “Nerves about the future/ healthy to have some/ but in just a few minutes/ you become an alum/ of Nauset, this place that you’ll always call home.” His poem told the Class of 2024 that he knew they would reach their goals: “Whatever comes next/ full tilt and a smile.”
As for Rein Bosworth’s next steps, she’s looking forward to an Outer Cape summer working at Truro Vineyards and the Governor Bradford restaurant in Provincetown. In the fall, she’ll head west to the University of California at Santa Barbara, where she intends to study psychology.
The move across the country from the peninsula she’s always called home is “definitely nerve-wracking,” Rein Bosworth said. “But I’m looking forward to embracing that and learning new things about the world and myself. I feel like it’ll open my eyes.”
NRHS’s Outermost Graduates, 2024

Ella Notaro
Wyatt Vida

Louis Currier
Jorge Dias
Olivia Dutra
Sierra Emond
Alexis Garcia-Braley
Jeana Garcia-Braley
Lucie Jackett
Mekhi Kelly
Ryder Mamo
Sophie Prickitt
Violet Rein Bosworth
Brady Rice
Sidney Waite
Elijah Bruinooge
Justin Cappello
Karly Hautanen
Hunter Hunt
Mary Keyes
Campbell Mulligan
Etta Parks
Melanie Richard
Shauna Tanner
Zachary Toomey
Tess Williams

Salvi Cacciola
Stella Cole
Mac Collins
Christian Couture
Charles Cushing
Brandon Dugas
Madison Eldridge
Annikah Ellis
Madelyn Enos
Gabriella Foster
Fiala Gerardi
William Gildehaus
Savannah Guzman
Kieran Handville
Brett Hardy
Kejah Johnson
Julien Lajoie
Nicholas Lopardo
Elizabeth Mayer
Eli McPherson
Emma Menengas
Chloe-Marie Osowski
Brianna Rodney
Tianna Rodney
Cypress Rushby
Marc-Anthony Salmon
Timothy Sanders
Michael Sepsi
Kiana Smith
Mackenzie Still

‘We’re walking around with a huge peace sign on our backs, so it’s sending a message to the world that the seniors at Nauset believe in peace.’ —Violet Rein Bosworth