TRURO — Nearly three years after town meeting voters approved the creation of a municipal affordable housing trust (MAHT), the town has yet to appoint trustees or file the paperwork needed to get its work underway.
“I think everybody got sidetracked,” housing authority chair Betty Gallo told the Independent. That’s no longer the case.
At its March 20 meeting, the housing authority finalized draft recommendations for the MAHT’s board composition and operating structure. After a public forum on April 2 and any resulting revisions, the recommendations will go to the select board to put the trust to work.
Truro already has an affordable housing trust fund (AHTF), established in 2002. It holds funds from town meeting appropriations, the sale of town-owned properties, and tax-title property sales to be spent on housing programs. The fund has no board. Instead, decisions on its use are made by the select board and town meeting.
The new fund was made possible when Truro adopted the state’s MAHT statute in 2022. One goal of the MAHT is to ensure that towns’ housing needs are met in more community-specific ways.
It allows for the creation of a trust with more autonomy — one that can acquire property, manage funds, and support affordable housing without returning to town meeting for approval of each decision. Still, the housing authority’s draft proposes that the select board be consulted on decisions with significant budgetary or staffing implications.
Once the MAHT is operational, funds from the AHTF intended for creating housing solutions for people earning up to 100 percent of the area median income (AMI) would be transferred to the new trust.
Gallo said that the funds remaining in the AHTF would continue to be allocated as before “until there is another option.” One such option might be a new year-round housing trust for households earning above the 100-percent-of-AMI threshold. That’s a proposal under the “seasonal communities” designation article headed to town meeting in May, she said.
The housing authority’s recommendations on the MAHT include a preference for participation on the board by full-time residents with experience in housing development, finance, or real estate, or who have lived in affordable housing or experienced housing insecurity.
“We wanted people outside the town government to be on this trust,” said Gallo.
“What we’re looking for is a lot of forward-facing transparency about money in and money out,” said vice chair Mara Glatzel.
At the same time, the MAHT also “adds some layers of approval — or scrutiny at least — that don’t exist right now,” said member Kevin Grunwald.
The draft recommends a seven-member board with two-year terms, composed of five voting members, two alternates, and the town manager or designee as a nonvoting participant. One member each from the select board and housing authority would be required, and the select board would appoint all members.
The housing authority got help in arriving at its recommendations. It heard two presentations by Shelly Goehring of the Mass. Housing Partnership, who Gallo described as one of the state’s foremost experts on MAHTs.
At a Sept. 12 joint meeting with the select board, Goehring said that most MAHTs draw funding from a mix of Community Preservation Act (CPA) funds, free cash, donations, and other mechanisms like tax overrides. In Orleans, for instance, a $275,000 annual tax override has made that town’s trust eligible for a line of credit, she said. Wellfleet’s version aims to raise $1 million annually through short-term rental tax revenue, CPA funds, and donations.
The housing authority also hired Michelle Jarusiewicz, who lives in Truro and retired from her job as Provincetown’s housing director in 2023, to compare how housing trusts across the Outer and Lower Cape are structured and funded and how they set their goals.
Some residents are skeptical of the trust board’s broad authority. At the March 20 meeting, Gallo said she had received several phone calls from people concerned that “nobody can control what the group does,” said Gallo. “That’s just not true.”
Glatzel pointed out that the MAHT had passed easily in 2022. “It’s about having more infrastructure for affordable housing,” she said. Glatzel also said she wanted to “turn down the volume” on concerns about the board’s makeup.
“This is not a rogue entity,” she added. “It’s a concentrated working group that is hyper-focused on housing. This has a select board member. This has the town manager or designee. This has a housing authority member. It’s not a group of randos who have their own separate agenda.”
The housing authority will hold a public forum on the MAHT recommendations at town hall at 5 p.m. on April 2.