Photos by Agata Storer

Community. I grew up in South Yarmouth, and I was living in Boston, but I have some friends who own a shop in town and really needed someone to come and work. In six months, I’ve found people here in P’town who already treat me like family. I decided to stay, which is also hard if you are a working-class person, but I had so many people help to connect me, offer their spaces or words of support. I am thankful for the outpouring of love.

I love flying. It’s my favorite thing to do. It looks like I will have an hour of flying today, but anything over a minute is great. When you are up there it’s all that matters. I am very thankful to be able to do it. I am from Portugal originally, but I live here now.

I am so thankful that my son who had lived most of his adult life in California will be moving to Truro in a couple of weeks. He has a wonderful girlfriend who I absolutely love. I am also thankful in these uncertain times that we’ve made a little homestead in Truro. I started this garden in 2015. We grow greens all year round. Probably 60 percent of our food or more is from our garden.

I am thankful for the soup kitchen. It’s nice because you get a free meal and the food here is excellent. Having one meal a day is enough for me. I am not hungry all day after I eat here. If you want to get out of the house and see your friends, it’s always nice to come here. I was born and raised in Provincetown. It’s nice to have people who know you.

I love to have my face painted. Family fun is something I really like.