PROVINCETOWN — Both the new police station and the Cannery Wharf Park funding were approved at the annual town election Tuesday with 77 percent of the vote. As Proposition 2½ overrides, they required a two-thirds vote at town meeting and a majority at the ballot box to pass.

Also on the ballot were two select board seats, with incumbents Dave Abramson and John Golden running unopposed for re-election. They garnered 481 and 472 votes, respectively, from the 637 voters who cast ballots.
Matthew Gunn was elected to the school committee and Paul Richardson to the board of library trustees. Adrianna Stephanie was elected to the school committee with five write-in votes, and Oriana Conklin was elected to the charter compliance commission with eight write-in votes.
A measure asking town leadership to agitate against the release of radioactive water by Holtec passed with 601 votes.
Turnout was 18.9 percent of the town’s 3,366 registered voters.