The California-based Colombian-American artist Pablo Manga uses colorful, semi-transparent tape to create geometric abstractions that are hard-edged yet surprisingly organic. They explore the interaction between shape and color to create a sense of harmony, movement, and joy. Manga’s work is sometimes soothing, sometimes energetic and caffeinated.
“Held Together” (pun intended, perhaps) is a show of Manga’s tape “paintings” at Farm Projects, 355 Main St. in Wellfleet. The show runs Friday, June 25th through July 6th, with a reception on Saturday, June 26th from 6 to 8 p.m. Manga will also be participating, alongside Bernd Haussmann and Jon Verney, in “Process,” an artist conversation at Wellfleet Preservation Hall, on Thursday, July 1 at 6 p.m.