There are some 30 bus stops on the Outer Cape, and about three-quarters of them don’t have any kind of shelter from the rain or wind. Several stops don’t even have a bench — they’re just a wide spot in the road where people stand and wait.
At the Orleans Stop & Shop, the shelter is made of glass and has lights inside. It is only a couple of years old, according to rider Richard Gordon, who lives in Wellfleet. The stop outside the Outer Cape’s other Stop & Shop, in Provincetown, offers no shelter at all.
While following the route from Provincetown to Orleans, this reporter spoke to four riders who all agreed bus stops ought to be sheltered. One said that the stops at Maurice’s Campground and the Eastham Superette were particularly bad; another named Whitmanville Road in Truro as the worst. None of those three stops has even a bench — they are nothing more than signs on the side of the road.