Meetings Ahead
From, click on the meeting you’re interested in to open its agenda. That document will provide information about how to view and take part remotely.
Thursday, April 23
- Town Administrator Screening Committee, 2 p.m.
- Local Housing Partnership, 4 p.m.
Tuesday, April 28
- Select Board with Emergency Management Team: COVID-19 Updates, 10 a.m.
Thursday, April 30
- Cape Cod Commission, Herring River Restoration Project Phase 1, 4:30 p.m.
Conversation Starters
Coronavirus Update
As of April 21, Wellfleet had zero active cases of Covid-19, four cleared cases, and one death as a result of the coronavirus.
Taxation Aid Fund Donation
The Wellfleet Taxation Aid Fund Committee is asking the public to consider a donation to the fund when you submit your tax payment. The fund helps to pay the property taxes of low-income seniors and the disabled. To donate, write a separate check to the “Taxation Aid Fund” when you pay your taxes. These donations are tax-deductible.
Social Distancing and Recycling
The Department of Public Works is in the process of retrofitting the Wellfleet transfer station to accept recyclables in a hands-off way while respecting social distancing. DPW Director Mark Vincent said he hopes to open up the recycling area of the station within the week.
Soup for Those in Need
Chef Maryann Lucas of the Wellfleet Council on Aging’s Iris’s Café will be making soup to be packaged and delivered by volunteers on Friday, April 24 to people who could use the help, said Suzanne Grout Thomas, director of community services. —Devin Sean Martin