Parker Hobson, a writing fellow at the Fine Arts Work Center, is interested in “what’s still present of the past,” he says. Walking in Provincetown, the poet noticed a plaque at 465 Commercial St. that marks the building as the former whale oil refinery of David Stull, the Ambergris King. “I looked the guy up,” says Hobson. “I found a picture of him on the beach, holding a knife to a whale’s throat.”

“Everything in Provincetown has these concentric layers,” Hobson says. “Some are more visible and some are invisible.” A similar layering exists in his hometown, Louisville, Ky., he says. “It’s a complicated place. The city doesn’t know if it’s Midwestern or Southern. It’s not one thing or another, which makes it a strange third thing.”
He writes a lot of poems about Kentucky. His work is musical, with rhythmic phrasing and carefully paced punctuation. “That’s part of what poetry is,” Hobson says. “When you put words in a line, they’re interacting with each other; there’s a rhythm to it.”
Hobson, who plays guitar and banjo, majored in music at Davidson College in North Carolina. He spent his early 20s writing songs, he says, before he realized that “poetry was something I was allowed to connect with.”
A friend gave him David Berman’s 1999 book of poetry, Actual Air, and Hobson remembers feeling his mind “blow open. These were poems that were like my experience of growing up. Berman was making jokes about Judas Priest and talking about cassette tapes.”
Hobson began writing poems as a way to come up with song lyrics. He was working in Whitesburg, Ky. at a community radio station, WMMT, part of Appalshop, a nonprofit arts collective that Hobson still works for. “I’d get up early every morning and work on poems on the back porch,” he says. Soon, Hobson left his radio job and completed an M.F.A. in creative writing at the University of Kentucky.
His poems are written in a stream of consciousness — but the narrator’s thoughts collide with snippets of things other people have said or done.
“All Snakes’ Day,” published in the anthology Best New Poets 2023, is about his home in the Appalachians. It was the most beautiful place Hobson has ever lived, he says. The house was porous; snakes slithered through holes in the floorboards. Hobson writes: “For the violets left slain by the lawn guy./ For the rabbits who still guard the yard while we sleep./ For my grandfather’s workshirt, clean/ in my closet like the flag of a country/ which no longer exists.”
“Miracle, in Progress,” published in 2021 in the magazine 32 Poems, was inspired by a drive Hobson often took during his M.F.A. program. At one point, a tire store popped into view in the middle of an empty field. “It seemed so strange,” Hobson says, as if the store had randomly emerged from the ground.
In the poem, people gather to watch a tire store rise miraculously out of the earth. The narrator talks with his neighbor — someone he had never spoken to before. “Now, buddy,” the neighbor says. “I’ve never said this to anybody, but my uncle was buried with a library book he never returned.” The two characters then sip beers and watch the “miracle.”
Hobson’s poems are neither reality nor fantasy but a strange third thing: “really boring magical realism,” he says. “So much of what we see and do every day is boring. Part of why we write is to understand our experiences. We’re putting them on the page and distorting them in order to better understand them and ourselves.” For him, surrealism is “making things a little bit strange in order to see what’s really there.”
Music still plays a big role in Hobson’s creative life. He released a “lyrics-first indie-country” album, Loss Program, last fall. Its 10 songs are titled like his poems, unassuming and quietly humorous. In “No Porchswings on the Moon So Plan Ahead,” acoustic guitar riffs ripple under Hobson’s wavering voice; the album’s last song, “Night of the Living Room,” thumps merrily along to a steady drum.
The songs explore an idea similar to a theme of Hobson’s poetry, he says: “Living our lives within a soup of overlapping layers of the past.”
In Provincetown, Hobson is taking a break from music to work on a poetry collection. “I’m pretty iterative,” he says. “I’ll tinker with a poem and put it down for a few months. I’ll pick it up and tinker with it again. Then I’ll look up and a few years have passed.” But there are some things you can see only with time, he says. How does he know when a poem is done? “I’m still figuring that out,” he says.
He’s been reading some poets here that inspire him: James Tate, Dara Barrois/Dixon, Russell Edson. “My favorite work to read is the kind that you can come back to over and over again,” Hobson says. The best poems, he feels, are surprising, weird, and playful, with “a tender screwballism.”
“I believe in silliness and goofiness,” he says. “Both are extremely valid ways of being serious.” What he’s after, in his work, is a sense of revelation — things that aren’t what they seem. The mundane made magical. A stream of consciousness that becomes an ocean of feeling.
“I’m really committed to the imagination,” Hobson says. Of course he cares about the nitty-gritty of his craft: the line, the rhythm, the form, the page. “But not at the expense of the imagination,” he says. “Not at the expense of a little wildness and a little surprise.”
The event: A showcase with Zeinab Shahidi Marnani, Ian Page, Parker Hobson, and Matthew Wamser
The time: Friday, April 4, 5 to 8 p.m.
The place: Fine Arts Work Center, 24 Pearl St., Provincetown
The cost: Free