Schedule Change: Starting this month, Irish, old time, country music sessions at Mean Burgers in Wellfleet will be 6:30-8:30 p.m. on the 2nd, 4th (and 5th) Tuesdays of the month. Hosted by Denya LeVine and Tim Dickey. For questions, please contact: [email protected]. [3-27]
Grass mowing. Sign up now for the 2025 season. Reasonable rates and good service. Contact Luther at 508-400-7813. Serving Provincetown to Eastham. [6-5]
Ian’s Landscaping. Spring clean-ups, planting, mulching, fence repair, stonework, and maintenance. Full service, free estimates. Contact Ian at [email protected] or 508-246-8060. [6-5]
New England Painting. Interior painting, decorative finishes, Venetian plaster, murals, and faux finishing. Please contact Jenny Clarke at [email protected] or 508-246-8008. [6-5]
Professional house painting. All phases interior and exterior, house and deck washing, insured. Reliable, top job, done with care. Call Dan LePoidevin Painting Co. at 508-349-9234. [6-5]
Wallpaper installation by Peter Burnetter, master painter and paperhanger. Full-service contractor. Interiors and exteriors. Please call 508-349-0161. [4-24]
Lady Di, Provincetown’s Sweetheart, on the web around the globe. Live on every Wed. 5-7 p.m. and Sat. 10 p.m.-midnight. Or tune in to WMCK-FM every Fri. 5-7 p.m., Mon. 5-7 p.m., Wed. 3-5 p.m. or to WMCB-FM every Sun. 11 p.m.-1 a.m., Tues. 10-12 p.m., Fri. 8-10 a.m. More: [email protected]. [4-10]
Clamming Equipment. Gently used (one season) R.A. Ribb 7-tine “Snappin’ Turtle” long-handled rake and K.B. White Essex steamer fork. Wire clam basket and gauge included. Eastham. $100. Text your interest to 860-707-4133. [4-10]
Year-round art studio space to rent in Provincetown, Truro or Wellfleet by P’town resident. 350 square feet minimum. Natural light, separate access. Ventilation for light odorless mineral spirit use. Do you have an underutilized, somewhat-insulated garage or shed, spare room, extra commercial space? Excellent local references, leave-no-trace practice. 917-678-0350. [5-8]
Your ad here. Submissions in the Year-Round Rentals category are free!
Delivery driver at Bayberry Gardens. Must have valid driver’s license, pass DOT exam, and be able to lift 50 lbs. Job includes loading nursery stock, soils, or purchased goods, and delivering from Provincetown to Eastham. Driving experience is preferred. Competitive pay. For more information: [email protected] or 508-349-6764. 250 Route 6, Truro. [4-24]
Part-Time Chef at SKIP for May-October lunch delivery program. Three days per week, about 20 hours total. Excellent hourly wage. Responsibilities include preparing menus, ordering food and supplies, and preparing 35-40 meals for delivery two days per week. ServSafe certificate required. Contact [email protected]. [6-12]
Daytime server at Vorelli’s Restaurant. Work with a great staff and enjoy some added perks of the job — finish the summer season at the end of October for a season-end bonus. Opening for lunch April 19. 226 Commercial St. Call 508-280-1829. [4-3]
Taizé: an ecumenical, contemplative, candlelit evening of song, silence, and prayer to encourage a deepened sense of God’s presence in the midst of world hostilities. Friday, March 28 at 5:30 p.m. David Wright, pianist; Thom Dutton, cantor, recorder, and harper; Rev. Sieglinde Rogers, liturgist, Visio, and Lectio Divina. [3-27]
The schedule for Open University of Wellfleet’s spring session is up at Delve into the work of Edith Wharton or Colin Kaepernick or female filmmakers in our nine classes that range from a course on poetry to a study of isms. Classes start second week of April. Gift certificates available. [4-3]
2025 Scholarship Competition by Chatham Music Club. For serious music students grade 6 and above who live on Cape Cod. Present two classical compositions of contrasting periods. Accompanist provided. May 3, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Chatham Congregational Church, 650 Main Street. Applications at Due Friday, April 11. [4-3]
Retired or Semi-retired? Want to give back to the community? Come in and introduce yourself at Ruthie’s Boutique. Looking for responsible, enthusiastic volunteers to join our team. Please stop in our nonprofit shop Tuesday-Saturday 11-4 and leave your information. Thanks for your interest and we look forward to working with you. [4-10]
Are you interested in history, architecture, and historic preservation? Please consider joining the Wellfleet Historical Commission, which works to preserve and protect historically and architecturally significant buildings in Wellfleet. If interested, please contact [email protected]. [4-10]
The spring session of Truro Community Education is here, with classes on fitness, quilting, singing, watercolor, gardening, cooking, meditation, and more. We are welcoming several new instructors and offering 8 free classes. Learn more by calling Heather Harper at 508-487-1558 x203 or go to the school’s site at [3-27]
Community announcements of up to 50 words are free! Give everyone the news about your community service activities or nonprofit offerings here. Just send them to us at: [email protected]