Virtual Painting Classes

When looking for virtual distractions on art, there are myriad pages to surf — galleries and museums from here to Timbuktu — but not much that is new or crafted for the current crisis. One impressive exception are the free painting classes being offered by Provincetown artist Cynthia Packard online. Go to the Facebook page for Cynthia Packard Studio and you’ll find Virtual Painting Classes scheduled on Fridays and Sundays at 1 p.m. through April 26. “Set up your easels, set up your paints, and take your mind off the news for a few hours,” the post says. The sessions are interactive.
Scavenging Photography
Another interesting diversion is the Cape Cod Art Center’s Photography Scavenger Hunt. Go to and find the categories for this week’s “hunt,” which is really an online exhibit. Submit one entry per category. Entries are posted online, and a first prize is announced weekly.
Online Art
The Provincetown Art Association and Museum hasn’t started up any online classes at press time, but they have compiled a useful list of online resources for artists: go to and type in “art resources” in the search slot.
Hightown Update
We’ve watched them film a faux Carnival, we’ve seen the trailers, and now we have a premiere date for the Starz series Hightown, about a hard-partying lesbian federal Marine Fisheries Service agent in Provincetown who finds the body of an addict washed up on the town beach and sets out to investigate the opioid underworld. For those who have a cable package that includes the Starz channel, the series will become available on Sunday, May 17. The rest of us will just have to get the Starz app and subscribe, or wait till the series can be rented or purchased.
Capt. Awesome
For the couch potato naturalist in all of us, Cape Cod Learning Tours is offering Tea Time with Captain Awesome, a free talk on the marine environment that starts weekdays at 2 p.m. and lasts 30 minutes. These discussions are guaranteed to be “lively,” sometimes include hikes, and are scheduled till this “beer germ blows over.” Go to the Cape Cod Learning Tours’ Facebook page and sign up.
Theater Class
The Cape Playhouse in Dennis is offering free master classes on their Facebook page on Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays at 1 p.m. The most recent one was “Life as a Scenic Artist,” led by Amy Brooks, and suitable for ages 9 to 16.
Pandemic History
The Truro Historical Society is putting together a “scrapbook” of the COVID-19 crisis called “Reflections on the Pandemic: Truro 2020.” It has put out a call for stories and photos to [email protected]. For submission guidelines, go to the society’s website, the Highland House Museum Facebook page, or trurohistory on Instagram.
Virtual V.F.W.
On Tuesday, Jay Critchley announced that he will attempt a virtual “opening” for his Provincetown V.F.W. building art project, for which dozens of people have contributed artifacts and memories, this Friday, April 3, at 8 p.m. The building is set to be torn down by the town. To join in, Critchley said to go to the Provincetown Community Compact’s Facebook page, where you will find instructions for group streaming.

Why Is This Night Different?
Of the many plans undone by the coronavirus, Passover 2020, which begins on the evening of Wednesday, April 8, will confront significant obstacles when it comes to groups having seders. The Cape Cod Synagogue has been live-streaming Shabbat services on its website,, every Friday evening at 7:30 p.m. As for hosting and attending a virtual seder, one useful resource we found was, powered by One Table.