Recorded at the Barnstable County Registry of Deeds during the week of Oct. 15 to Oct. 18.
Oct. 15. Sheltons Bend LLC to Stephen Netemeyer and Ned A. Gizinski. 421 Commercial St. $915,000.
Oct. 18. T and Celine Funk Gandolfo to Marjorie M. Kyriacou. 744 Commercial St. $1,855,000.
Oct. 18. Vincent S. Garmo to Richard D. Welch and Brian M. Donovan. 432 Commercial St. $561,000.
Oct. 18. Douglas K. Boulanger to Gregory Gundling. 6 Nelson Ave. $525,000.
Oct. 18. Thomas Taborelli to Ceclia Clarke. 2 Higgins Hollow Rd. $1,500,000.
Oct. 18. William H. Warren Jr. and Eleanor T. Seigel to Margaret Cerullo and Marla Erlien. 6 Hughes Rd. $260,000.
Oct. 18. Cynthia Benjamin and Jesse A. Dugas
to Scott H. Hiler. 17 Shore Rd. $110,000.
Oct. 18. J&M Ski Realty Trust (Michael W. and Judith Czyoski, trustees) to Gary and Marsha Nedorostek. 8 Laura’s Way. $315,000.
Oct. 15. Maple Ledge Association Inc. to Janet M. Lewis. 587 State Hwy. $370,000.
Oct. 18. Joan Lippincott to Linda Povey. 164 Long Pond Rd. $699,000.
Oct. 18. Priscilla E. Anderson 2015 Living Trust
(Karen Kahnasto, trustee) to Steven P. Brennan.
40 Holbrook Ave. $500,000.
Oct. 18. 175 Spring Valley LLC to David and Kelly Tavalone. 175 Spring Valley Rd. $190,000.
Oct. 15. Jeanne D. Rafferty to Eileen Davis. 115 Thumpertown Rd. $305,000.
Oct. 15. Elke Brueckner to Mojo Investments LLC. 5490 State Hwy. $593,000.
Oct. 15. David A. Greene and Carolyn Greene to Stephen and Kimberly Lewis. 15 Southeast St. $535,000.
Oct. 16. Nancy Bush Living Trust (Douglas B. Griffin, trustee) to 85 Bridge Realty Trust
(Elizabeth Beard, trustee). 85 Bridge Road. $206,141.
Oct. 16. Er Siew Kao to John F. and Kathryn B. Blomberg. 2207 State Hwy. $302,000.
Oct. 16. Dwight A. and Sandra G. Woodson to Vincent F. and Stephanie H. Massey. 1945 Massasoit Rd. $630,000.
Oct. 18. Wade Family Realty Trust (Peter H. and Dale Michaels Wade, trustees)
to Jennifer Lee King. 625 Bridge Road. $710,000.
Oct. 18. George Lee Chamberlain to Jordan D. Traub. 235 Baywood Rd. $380,000.