A Firing Squad in Truro
To the editor:
Your story about the Truro Select Board’s goals for the town manager’s performance (Dec. 19, page A5) reads more like the assemblage of a firing squad than a sincere effort to make progress.
It is undignified and unprofessional to expose every detail of a process that should be discussed and negotiated in private and then presented to the public as a united effort to make Truro better by helping to make its chief operating officer better. The hostility expressed here jumps off the page and, I’m guessing, forced the town manager to defend himself publicly.
It is mean, especially in a small town, to hold every blemish, divot, and mole up to the light to be examined and reported on. It undermines the town manager’s authority with his colleagues and certainly discourages applications from qualified job candidates who don’t want to find themselves in a stew like this.
I hope the town manager has updated his résumé and that town officials have, at least quietly, begun the recruitment process.
Stan Bratskeir
On Personal Ads
To the editor:
Re “Let’s Get Personal” [Letter From the Editor, Dec. 5]:
My wife, Bonnie, and I got together 40+ years ago because of her ad in the Boston Phoenix seeking someone “with a passion for parenting and social change.”
As to adding personal ads in the Indie: neither of us is currently looking (I hope), but they are always fun to read.
David Holmstrom
Wellfleet and Brookline
Letters to the Editor
The Provincetown Independent welcomes letters from readers on all subjects. They must be signed with the writer’s name, home address, and telephone number (for verification). Letters will be published only if they have been sent exclusively to the Independent. They should be no more than 300 words and may be edited for clarity, accuracy, conciseness, and good taste. Longer pieces (up to 600 words) may be submitted for consideration as op-ed commentary. Send letters to [email protected] or by mail to P.O. Box 1034, Provincetown, MA 02657. The deadline for letters is Monday at noon for each week’s edition.