The ‘Impossible Cookie’
To the editor:
Regarding the doubly baked biscotti from John D’Addario’s Yonkers grandma Filamena/Fay [Dec. 15, page B3]:
What are called biscotti in Italian are known as mandelbrot in Yiddish, locking in the almond version. And because the cookies are wedge-shaped, as the mandel (almond) itself is, they suggest the shape of the eye.
You might toss in some rozhinkes (raisins) — open to free association as far as resemblances go.
But whether in Yiddish or in Italian, the impossible cookie crumbles both ways.
Shirley Spatz
Flushing at Maurice’s
To the editor:
Now that the town of Wellfleet owns Maurice’s Campground, to keep things flowing nicely there when it opens, I suggest that a sign be posted inside the cabins and at every RV and trailer site, reading “Flush Twice — It’s a long way to the cesspool.”
Mike Rice