‘A Pitiful Display’
To the editor:
My heart almost broke for the much maligned and persecuted Nick Nickerson and his “wife of two weeks” [“Nick Nickerson’s Day of Infamy,” Jan. 14, page 7].
I’m an Eastham resident who has probably eaten at Nick’s very successful, cash only Arnold’s Lobster & Clam Bar 50 times, but never again. Despite his successful restaurant, he is still angry.
So, poor Nick dug deep into his pockets (I assume he didn’t apply for financial support from the Proud Boys) to fund his excursion to D.C. There he joined a group of angry white men, not for the purposes of exercising free speech, but seeking to nullify through threats and intimidation the votes of millions of Americans and, not incidentally, the Black voters of Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Georgia.
He went there convinced by the delusional president of the United States that there was a conspiracy on the part of the courts, election officials (Republican and Democrat), judges (Democrat and Republican appointees), Mitch McConnell, Attorney General Barr, and the press to steal the election from him and people like him, who were entitled to a victory regardless of the facts. In his profound wisdom, he decided that he must protest to overthrow the election and the democratic system that has served us so well because he is “extremely worried about the direction the country is heading in.”
And now he wants to sue his critics.
What a pitiful display of ignorance and self-pity, just like his loser president. Instead of hiring a lawyer to harass his critics, maybe he should pay a shrink to teach him how to lose gracefully, and a historian to teach him about our democracy.
David Bernstein
‘Beyond the Bridges’
To the editor:
Journalism thrives on the Outer Cape. With your well-articulated editorials, in-depth coverage of town news, and colorful arts section, you and your team have achieved remarkable success in just over one year. Congratulations.
With so much already accomplished, what might be added to enhance the Independent’s value to subscribers? May I suggest a regular “Beyond the Bridges” section for invited commentary on state, national, and international issues. As the Open University of Wellfleet has amply demonstrated in its faculty recruitment, we have many experienced experts among local retirees.
Even with access to the New York Times and Washington Post, Outer Cape residents would gain from local perspectives on issues beyond the bridges.
L. Michael Hager