Confirmed bird sightings on the Outer Cape in the week preceding the Independent’s deadline on Tuesday, Nov. 14 included the following, based on a report prepared by Mass Audubon’s Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary.
Ship-based surveys more than 100 miles east of the Cape have tallied 8 Red Phalaropes, 2 Pomarine Jaegers, 137 Northern Fulmars, 17 Dovekies, and 100 Great Shearwaters, plus several migrating songbirds that landed on the boat, including a Lapland Longspur, 3 Snow Buntings, 5 Dark-Eyed Juncos, and an American Pipit.

The Yellow-Headed Blackbird continued along Shore Road in North Truro as well as along Route 6 further south.
2 Pectoral Sandpipers were at Wellfleet Bay Sanctuary this week.
Also, just in from Brewster and of interest all the way to the tip of the Cape: A Lark Bunting was banded at Wing Island banding station on Monday, apparently just the fifth record of this western U.S. species on the Cape and Islands in the last 40 years.
If you have questions about these sightings or want to report a sighting, call the Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary at 508-349-2615 or send an email to [email protected].