Confirmed bird sightings on the Outer Cape in the week preceding the Independent’s deadline on Tuesday, March 14 included the following, based on a report prepared by Mass Audubon’s Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary.
Sightings at Race Point in Provincetown this week included 3 Pacific Loons, 15 Common Murres, 450 Razorbills, 35 Black-Legged Kittiwakes, 60 Iceland Gulls, a Glaucous Gull, and 2 Common Redpolls.

There was a Pine Siskin in Wellfleet.
And since nobody saw any birds in Truro or Eastham, let’s count this one from our next door neighbors: The first Ospreys and Piping Plovers were reported on Cape Cod this week, including an Osprey trying to reclaim its nest from a pair of Bald Eagles at Cedar Pond in Orleans.
If you have questions about these sightings or want to report a sighting, call the Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary at 508-349-2615 or send an email to [email protected].