Bluefishing has really heated up this last week, as huge schools of big fish showed up in the bay from the Pamet in Truro to Jeremy Point in Wellfleet. The few boats who cashed in on this caught a lot of fish trolling umbrella rigs as well as vertical jigging with Ava green tail diamond jigs. Swimming plugs such as SP Minnows and Yellow Bomber Long A were very effective, too. These fish are big and ravenous.

Another big school of fish moved into the area between Herring Cove and Race Point, and a third body of fish was discovered down the backside between the Mission Bell and Head of the Meadow. It certainly looks like a full-on late-summer bluefish blitz at this point.
Striped bass continue to defy the norm and are biting pretty well between Race Point and the Race station. The waters down back are staying in the low to mid 60s, which is helping the bass stay active.
The percentage of keepers is going up, too. What is happening is that the fish that measured 26 or 27 inches early in the summer have grown by now and are over 28 inches, which puts them in the slot size for keeping. Drifting baits and trolling seem to be the ticket here.
Tuna fishing improved this week, with many schoolie-size fish being taken between Peaked Hill and the Golf Ball in Truro. A few giants are beginning to show up, though the usual late summer to early fall run has not entered the bay yet.
This last week, humpback whales moved into an area just offshore of the Ranger station and just far enough away to make it impossible to see them from the beach. We saw bubble cloud feeding and breaching from the Cee-Jay on a couple of days. Whale watching in general has been very good this season, with many whales staying close to Provincetown. We still have two minke whales in the Race that we see every day while fishing.
Mola molas (also called ocean sunfish) are starting to be seen regularly as well.
More proof that the great white sharks are alive and well and cruising around our harbor: we saw an injured gray seal on Long Point Sunday night. The seal had beached itself, and its back flippers were mangled; it also had big bite marks on its back. I’m guessing this seal won’t make it.
Last week I highlighted two young boys who had remarkable fishing experiences even though they both had rough starts. This week I have a story from the other end of the age spectrum. Betsy Bobo, from Otis, came on board with 15 family members to celebrate her 80th birthday. And wouldn’t you know it, Betsy got herself a keeper striped bass to take home, much to the delight of her family.
Everyone on the boat joined in for a rousing happy birthday singalong. Fun times indeed for all ages when you go fishing.