Meetings Ahead
Most meetings in Truro are remote. Go to and click on the meeting you want to watch. The agenda includes instructions on how to join.
Thursday, Aug. 18
- Climate Action Committee, 10:30 a.m.
Monday, Aug. 22
- Zoning Board of Appeals, 5:30 p.m.
Wednesday, Aug. 24
- Cultural Council, 2 p.m.
- Commission on Disabilities, 5 p.m.
- Planning Board, 5 p.m.
Thursday, Aug. 25
- Charter Review Committee, 4:15 p.m.
Conversation Starters
Eyes on 2050 Carbon Neutrality
The Truro Energy Committee and Climate Action Committee sent a letter of “constructive feedback” on the latest state Dept. of Energy Resources (DOER) draft of a new stretch code. It is a version of a Mass. energy code that requires participating municipalities to uphold green energy standards for new construction.
The DOER will read commentary from various towns and cities across Massachusetts and revise the draft, with hopes of finalizing it by the end of the year.
Brian Boyle, chair of the energy committee, presented the letter at the Aug. 9 select board meeting. He said that Truro’s early adoption of the last stretch code allowed the town to win nearly half a million dollars in grant money and that participation in this latest version of the stretch code signals to the DOER that Truro is invested in carbon neutrality and so could help the town secure future grant money.
The energy and climate action committee members asked if the select board would sign onto the letter as well, but several board members, including Bob Weinstein, objected to some of the language in the letter, notably the provision requesting that the stretch code restrict “mixed fuel pathways across the board.”
Members questioned whether the electric grid had the capacity for 100-percent electrification. Other concerns included expenses that might burden small businesses and home owners if the code required renovations to be fossil fuel free.
Rather than wait for further meetings, the energy and climate committees went ahead and sent the letter to the DOER without the select board members’ signatures. —Nora Markey