PROVINCETOWN — Select board member Lise King, 56, will have two challengers in the May 11 annual town election. Leslie Sandberg, 58, a partner in the communications firm Rose, Sandberg & Associates, and Oriana Conklin, 30, a manager at Local 186 restaurant and Enzo guesthouse, are also on the ballot. Nomination petitions were due by Tuesday, March 23.

In most years there are two seats up for election on the five-member select board, but in every third year there is only one on the ballot. King was first elected to that seat in 2018 and is now seeking her second three-year term.

Sandberg has worked as a communications director or publicist for the Minnesota Attorney General’s office, for state Sen. Julian Cyr, for the Provincetown Public Pier Corp., and currently has a contract to do communications work for the Provincetown Health Dept. and for the town of Eastham.
Conklin serves on the Provincetown Conservation Commission and has worked in Provincetown restaurants since she was 14. She graduated from Emmanuel College in Boston.

King’s career includes founding and running the Native Voice newspaper in South Dakota, documentary filmmaking in New England, and earning a master’s degree in public administration from Harvard. On the select board, she spearheaded the creation of an economic stabilization and sustainability committee.
The three women have seven weeks to campaign for votes.
No challengers filed for the other races on this year’s town ballot. Mary Jo Avellar is running for re-election as town moderator, Ann Wood is running for re-election to the housing authority, and both Eva Enos and Ngina Lythcott are running for re-election to the school committee. Julia Perry is running for an open seat on the charter compliance commission. —Paul Benson