Meetings Ahead
Go to and click on a particular meeting to read its agenda. That document will provide information about how to view and take part remotely.
Thursday, June 18
- Affordable Housing Trust, 11 a.m.
Tuesday, June 23
- Town Election, noon to 6 p.m.
Wednesday, June 24
- Low-lying Roads Presentation, 6 p.m.
Thursday, June 25
- Board of Health, 3 p.m.
Conversation Starters
Election Day Almost Here
If you haven’t already voted in the town election, you’re welcome to drop by town hall between noon and 6 p.m. on Tuesday, June 23 and do so. Social distancing will be observed and face coverings required (for staff) and highly encouraged (for voters). Voters will be greeted outside town hall and given a complimentary voting pen and gloves and offered a mask if they’re not wearing one. Only six voters will be allowed in the polling place at one time.
There’s not much to decide as all incumbents — Aimée Eckman (select board), Cynthia Nicholson (town clerk), Judy Lindahl (elementary school committee), and Mary Shaw and Al Alfano (library trustees) — are unopposed. Scott Kerry is running unopposed to succeed Steve Cole as moderator, and Art Autorino has no challengers for the select board seat being vacated by Martin McDonald. There’s one wild card: a write-in vote for the second elementary school committee post.
The ballot includes an invitation to instruct town officials to ask the governor and legislature to ensure that storage and security for spent fuel at the decommissioned Pilgrim Nuclear Power Plant is improved.
No Hiccups Expected
As of our press time, the select board was planning to hold an unusual Wednesday meeting on June 17 to approve expansion of alcohol licenses for outdoor seating as allowed under Gov. Baker’s pandemic guidelines. Those applying included Red Barn Pizza, Local Break, BrickHouse Restaurant, Mac’s Seafood, and the Orleans-Eastham Elks Lodge. —Ed Maroney
And Now for Something Completely Different
A family-friendly music and comedy show featuring parody songs and jokes by Dave Maloof can be enjoyed virtually from June 20 through 26. Maloof sings and plays the piano and ukulele in “Funny Words, Funny Music,” which will be shown multiple times on Lower Cape TV (go to or for times).
This production of the Eastham Public Library, the Eastham Senior Center, and Lower Cape TV is supported in part by the Eastham Cultural Council, a local agency funded by the Massachusetts Cultural Council. —Ryan Fitzgerald