Wagner and Mozart

The Metropolitan Opera continues its daily streaming of live performances from the past through April 19. Each day, from 7:30 p.m. till 6:30 p.m. the next day, a different opera will become available for free. From Thursday, April 9, to Friday, April 10, for example, a 2013 production of Wagner’s Parsifal is free, as is a 2018 performance of Mozart’s Così fan tutte from Sunday, April 12, to Monday, April 13. The easiest way to access the free operas is to search for “Nightly Met Opera Streams,” which is a page on the Met’s website: scroll down to the schedule and click on the opera of the day.
Napi’s Collection

The Provincetown Art Association and Museum is closed to the public through May, but its newest exhibit, “Director’s Choice: In Memoriam: Napi Van Dereck,” curated by PAAM CEO Christine McCarthy, is on view virtually. It’s a well-presented, glorious selection of works from the collection of Helen and Napi Van Dereck, all of it historic Provincetown art, which are being shown in honor of Napi’s recent passing. To access the exhibit, go to paam.org under “Exhibitions.” You can manually scan through the exhibit or download the Lingar app.
There Will Be a Quiz
For parents with kids who are curious about science, the Center for Coastal Studies is offering a generous selection of quizzes (on the ocean), games (matching hatchlings), experiments (on coastal erosion), and online presentations (babysitting baby squid) on its website, coastalstudies.org. To find “Online Activities for Kids,” click on “Connect and Learn” at the top of the home page.
P’town Call-in Q&A
Local government can be elusive during the current shutdown, but the Town of Provincetown has scheduled a “Call-in Question and Answer Session” on Wednesday, April 15, from 7 to 8 p.m. For updates, go to the town’s Facebook page and click on “Events.”
More Art Online
Provincetown artist Derek Macara and his friend Charles Flint have set up a thoughtfully interactive art show on view through May 2 called “Shelter: A Virtual Exhibit of Provincetown Artists.” It’s easy to navigate and the art can be observed up close. To get to the exhibit, go to kunstmatrix.com and do a search up top for “Derek Macara.”
Happy Drive-by Birthday
Here’s a message from the Town of Truro’s Recreation & Beach Dept.: “We can’t imagine trying to celebrate your special day in isolation. Which is why the Town of Truro would like to offer to have our Birthday Caravan drive past your Truro address to wish them a happy birthday. This program is open to Truro residents or children attending Truro Central School.” To sign up, go to truroma.myrec.com, click on the “Programs” icon, then “Birthday Caravan.”
Virtual Music Lessons
The Wellfleet Public Library’s website, wellfleetlibrary.org, is being reworked, but if you scroll down the home page, you’ll find a heading for “Artist Works” in the bottom left. Click on it, and you’ll be linked to a video gateway for self-paced music lessons by respected artists, from Classical Mandolin to Jazz Piano, Hip-hop Scratching to Bluegrass Vocals.
Youth Film Fest Deadline
Local filmmakers may find social distancing to be a severe obstacle, but obstacles are just a springboard to creativity (in theory, at least). Why that’s important: the deadline for entries for the Wellfleet Preservation Hall Youth Film Festival is April 30. Filmmaker applications are available online at wellfleetpreservationhall.org.