For Provincetown’s annual Family Week this year (Sunday, July 23 to Friday, July 28), our Arts & Minds team has selected our favorite events for kids and families on the Outer Cape. See for a complete event schedule.
On the Spot (Friday, July 21)
Katie Pentedemos of Improvincetown teaches “the art of being silly” in an improv workshop for kids and tweens 9-12 at Wellfleet Public Library (55 West Main St.) on Friday, July 21, 10:30 a.m. Free. See for information.

By the Sea (Friday, July 21)
Mass Audubon presents a Seashore Ramble for families and kids 4 and up at Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary (291 Route 6, South Wellfleet) on Friday, July 21, 8 a.m. Participants will use dip nets and magnifiers to search for swimming, flying, and burrowing wildlife on the beach at low tide. Adults $18, kids $14, with discounts for Mass Audubon members. See for information.
Magic Man (Friday, July 21)
Richard Archer’s “Amazing Richard Magic Show” for families and kids 3 and up returns to the Payomet Performing Arts Center (29 Old Dewline Road, North Truro) on Friday, July 21, 10 a.m. as part of Payomet’s Friday Family Fun series. Kids become stage assistants for Archer’s sleight of hand, music, and comedy. $10 general admission. See for information.
Pop-Up Art (Saturday, July 22)
Truro Public Library (7 Standish Way) hosts author Michael Albert (An Artist’s America) for a “modern Pop Art experience” and collage workshop on Saturday, July 22, 10 a.m. Kids and their caregivers will use recycled cereal boxes to create original art projects. Free. See for information.

Splish Splash (Sunday, July 23)
Family Week 2023 officially kicks off with a pool party at the Crown & Anchor (247 Commercial St., Provincetown) on Sunday, July 23, 10 a.m. The free event includes beach games and a dance performance from the Mashpee Wampanoag tribe. See for information.
Build It Up (Monday, July 24)
Family Equality presents a daily LEGO building event at Bas Relief Park (106 Bradford St., Provincetown) every day of Family Week beginning Monday, July 24, 10 a.m. See for information.

Elephant Tale (Monday, July 24)
Writer Ralph Fletcher reads from and talks about his most recent picture book, The World’s Loneliest Elephant: Based on the True Story of Kaavan and his Rescue, at Wellfleet Preservation Hall (335 Main St.) on Monday, July 24, 11 a.m. Free. See for information.
Wig Out! (Monday, July 24)
COLAGE presents Queerella DeVille at Post Office Café and Cabaret (303 Commercial St., Provincetown) on Monday, July 24, 5 p.m. The party will include music, dancing, and “songs to advance a musical plot about Pride, self-acceptance, and overcoming conflict.” Tickets are $25 for adults, $10 for kids; the program will also be presented on Wednesday, July 26, 2:30 p.m. See for information.

Look Down (Monday, July 24)
The Center for Coastal Studies presents “Get to the Bottom of It!,” a family-friendly educational nature walk, on Monday, July 24, 11 a.m. The group will meet at the Sea Space Marine Discovery Center (247 Commercial St., Provincetown) and head to the beach to collect samples from the shallow waters, then use a microscope to take an up-close look at the tiny marine animals that live in the harbor. $5 per child. Reservations recommended. See for information.
Happy Ending (Tuesday, July 25)
Provincetown Theater (238 Bradford St.) presents a special Family Week “one act relaxed performance” of its current production of the classic American musical The Fantasticks on Tuesday, July 25, 2 p.m. House lights will be kept on, and kids and family members will be free to enter and exit the all-ages performance at any time. $30 general admission; see for reservations and more information.

Extra Cheese (Tuesday, July 25)
Kay Sedia hosts family-friendly drag bingo at the Unitarian Universalist Meeting House (236 Commercial St., Provincetown) on Tuesday, July 25, 1 p.m. $5 suggested donation for each round; proceeds will benefit COLAGE. See and for information.
Everybody Reads (Tuesday, July 25)
Provincetown Public Library (356 Commercial St.) presents simultaneous reading events on Tuesday, July 25, 4:30 p.m. Illustrators Cecilia Ruiz and Mike Curato and author Kyle Lukoff present a story time and activity session for kids 5 and under, and writers Brandy Colbert, Sara Farizan, and Aaron Aceves lead a reading workshop for tweens and teens 12 and up. Both programs are free. See for information.
On the Hunt (Wednesday, July 26)
COLAGE presents a scavenger hunt for teens and families — including “treats, treasures, and prizes” — at Provincetown Town Hall (260 Commercial St.) on Wednesday, July 26, 3:30 p.m. See for information.
Step in Time (Wednesday, July 26)
Wellfleet Recreation Dept. presents a free family-friendly, all-ages summer square dance at Wellfleet Town Pier Parking Lot (255 Commercial St.) on Wednesday, July 26, 7 p.m. The dances will take place every Wednesday through the end of August. See for information.
Story Time (Wednesday, July 26)
Members of the Orleans Firebirds baseball team read “fun and funny stories” for kids 8 and under and their families at Eastham Public Library (190 Samoset Road) on Wednesday, July 26, 10:30 a.m. Free. See for information.
Sea Shimmy (Wednesday, July 26)
Family Equality presents a Deep Sea Disco party for all ages at Motta Field (25 Winslow St., Provincetown) on Wednesday, July 26, 5:30 p.m. Includes a “Walk the Plank-ton” kids’ fashion show with live music by DJ Shiran, games, crafts, and kites from Kenvue’s Care with Pride, dinner from Box Lunch, and a “sand bar” by Provincetown Brewing Co. and Perry’s Fine Wines and Liquors for the adults. Free; donations to support Family Equality appreciated. Tentative rain date is Thursday, July 27. See for information and to RSVP.
Animal Ambassadors (Thursday, July 27)
Wild animal specialist Bethany Jakubson and her travelling menagerie present “Amazing Animal Ambassadors” at Snow Library (67 Main St., Orleans) on Thursday, July 27, 10:30 a.m. Participants in the free all-ages family-friendly event will learn to appreciate the wonders of wildlife and their natural habitats with a variety of furred and feathered friends. Seating is limited. See for information.