With a Bang (Thursday, July 4)
Provincetown’s annual Independence Day Parade begins at the Harbor Hotel (698 Commercial St.) at 11 a.m. and proceeds down Commercial Street to Franklin Street. Fireworks over Provincetown Harbor begin at dusk. See ptown.org for information.
En Plein Air (Thursday-Saturday, July 4-6)
The Eastham Painters Guild presents a show on the lawn of the 1869 Schoolhouse Museum (25 Schoolhouse Road, Eastham) daily from Thursday, July 4 to Saturday, July 6, starting at 9 a.m. See easthampaintersguild.com for information.
Spread the Word (Friday, July 5)
The Sarah Burrill Band performs as part of the “Music at Mayo” series at Mayo Beach (101 Kendrick Ave., Wellfleet) on Friday, July 5, 5:30 p.m. Free. See wellfleetrec.com.

Group Effort (Friday, July 5)
“Random Tales from the Top,” a group exhibition featuring work by Helene Bess, Todd Bonita, Carey Armstrong Ellis, Noriko Fox, and Brittany Haynes, opens at Bowersock Gallery (371 Commercial St., Provincetown) on Friday, July 5, 7 p.m. The show runs until July 16. See bowersockgallery.com for information.
Open Secret (Friday, July 5)
Stewart Clifford Gallery (338 Commercial St., Provincetown) celebrates the opening of “Secret Garden,” an exhibition of new work by Nick Peterson-Davis, on Friday, July 5, 7 p.m. The show runs until Aug. 1. See stewartcliffordgallery.com for information.
Rise and Shine (Friday & Sunday, July 5 & 7)
Singer and performer Parker Phillips explores his journey as a queer black artist trying to find the meaning of life in “The Awakening” — featuring special guest and RuPaul’s Drag Race Season 12 star Dahlia Sin — at The Wilde at the Gifford House (9 Carver St., Provincetown) on Friday, July 5 and Sunday, July 7, 7 p.m. Tickets are $25 ($35 for V.I.P. seating) at giffordsprovincetown.com.

Broadway, Baby! (Friday, July 5)
Singer-songwriter and recording artist Anne Steele returns to Post Office Cabaret (303 Commercial St., Provincetown) on Friday, July 5, 7 p.m. with her new show “Broadway Goes to the Movies.” Tickets are $35 ($40 for V.I.P. seating) at postofficecafe.net.
Sustainable Art (Saturday, July 6)
An exhibition of new work by Duncan Johnson opens at Jeff Soderbergh Gallery (11b West Main St., Wellfleet) with a reception on Saturday, July 6, 4 p.m. See jeffsoderbergh.com for information.
Material Matters (Saturday, July 6)
Farm Projects (355 Main St., Wellfleet) hosts an opening reception for the exhibition “Materiality” by Mosh Studio, a two-year collaboration between artists Adrienne Shishko and Suzanne Moseley, on Saturday, July 6, 5 p.m. The show is on view until July 15. See farmprojectspace.org for information.

On Your Marks (Sunday, July 7)
The 50th Annual Wellfleet 5-Mile Road Race for runners 13 and up begins at Baker’s Field Pavilion (70 Kendrick Ave.) on Sunday, July 7, 8:30 a.m. (A 1.2-mile race for children 12 and under begins at 10 a.m.) Register at wellfleetrec.com.
Guiding Lights (Sunday, July 7)
Susan Abbott discusses the history of Eastham lighthouses and the future of Nauset Light at Chapel in the Pines (220 Samoset Road, Eastham) on Sunday, July 7, 10 a.m. The talk will also be presented via Zoom. Free. See nfuu.org for information.
Strings and Stories (Sunday, July 7)

Fingerstyle guitarist and storyteller Hiroya Tsukamoto performs at Wellfleet Preservation Hall (335 Main St.) on Sunday, July 7, 5 p.m. Tickets are $20 at wellfleetpreservationhall.org.
Whale Tales (Sunday, July 7)
Charles “Stormy” Mayo talks about the status of Atlantic right whales and efforts to study and protect them at Truro Meeting House (3 First Parish Lane) on Sunday, July 7, 7 p.m. Free. See truromeetinghousefriends.com for information.
New Traditionalists (Sunday, July 7)
Bluegrass band ShadowGrass bring fast picking and fresh arrangements to Payomet Performing Arts Center (29 Old Dewline Road, North Truro) on Sunday, July 7, 7 p.m. Tickets are $20-$30 at payomet.org.
Work It! (Monday, July 7)
The Boatslip (161 Commercial St., Provincetown) hosts Generation X Tea, featuring “’90s and ’00s club anthems and guilty pop pleasures,” on Monday, July 7, 4 p.m. $10 cover. See theboatslip.com for information.
Take Four (Tuesday, July 9)
Bart Wiseman and Friends — including Myanna on saxophone, Fred Boyle on piano, and Ron Ormsby on bass — kick off the Summer Jazz Series at Provincetown Art Association and Museum (460 Commercial St.) on Tuesday, July 9, 5:30 p.m. Tickets are $20 at paam.org.
Rival Factions (Tuesday, July 9)
“Us & Them” is the theme of the Mosquito Story Slam at Wellfleet Preservation Hall on Tuesday, July 9. Sign up to tell your story at 6:30 p.m.; show begins at 7 p.m. $25. See mosquitostory.org for tickets and information.
Art History (Wednesday, July 10)
Photographer Stephen Aiken discusses his photographs of a seminal 1974 performance piece by artist Joseph Beuys at Wellfleet Public Library (55 West Main St.) on Wednesday, July 10, 7 p.m. Free. See wellfleetlibrary.org for information.
Our Arts & Minds team curates a selection of Outer Cape events each week. Please email event information to [email protected] at least two weeks in advance for consideration.