Walk Till You Drop (Thursday, August 18)
The Brewster Historical Society presents “A Grave Situation: Walking Tour of Brewster Cemetery,” scripted by Sally Cabot Gunning, on Thursday, Aug. 18, 5 to 6:30 p.m. Walk the Lower Road Cemetery and learn about the famous, infamous, and unknown. Tickets, $10 for children and $15 for adults, at brewsterhistoricalsociety.org, or buy in person, cash only.
Jack and the Theme Talk (Thursday, August 18)
The Cape Cod Museum of Art at 60 Hope Lane in Dennis will have a gallery talk and opening reception for an exhibition of the work of Jack Coughlin spanning more than 60 years on Thursday, Aug. 18; the talk is from 4 to 5 p.m. with a reception following. Coughlin has returned to several themes that this show will examine: portraiture, animals, the human figure, and states of metamorphosis and the grotesque. Free.
Fairly Fantastic (Friday, August 19)
The Truro Public Library hosts Anna Sobel from Talking Hands Theatre for Storytime: Fairies of the Seasons on Friday, Aug. 19, 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. The show features handmade fairy puppets, hand-felted animals, a captivating plot, and interactive opportunities for children to move, sing, and help the fairies reach a happy ending.
Can’tyoudance? (Friday, August 19)
Wellfleet Preservation Hall invites all to learn New England contradance, squares, and waltzes on Friday, Aug. 19, 7 to 9 p.m. No experience is necessary. It repeats on the third Friday of each month through October. Tickets, $15 regular admission, $10 for under age 30, and $5 with a Student ID, at outermostcontra.org. Vax cards required.
Spin Wheel, Spin Art (Saturday, August 20)
The Truro Public Library invites kids to use the spin-art bike machine to create unique abstract art. Make your masterpiece on Saturday, Aug. 20, 10:30 to 11:30 a.m.
Draw Thy Neighbor (Sunday, August 21)
The Rugosa Gallery at 4100 Route 6 in Eastham presents “Everybody Draw Everybody” with artist Brian Butler on Sunday, Aug. 21 at noon. Draw everybody and get drawn by everybody. No skill is necessary, supplies are provided, and seats are limited. Tickets are $20 at eventbrite.com. RSVP required.
Stare at Sarah (Sunday, August 21)
The Payomet Performing Arts Center at 29 Old Dewline Road in North Truro presents Texas singer-songwriter Sarah Jarosz on Sunday, Aug. 21, 7 p.m. At age 30, she’s already been nominated 10 times and won four Grammys for her voice and intricate lyrics. Tickets are $29 to $38 at tickets.payomet.org.
Bulgarian Bash (Sunday, August 21)
The Unitarian Universalist Meeting House in Provincetown presents “The Bulgarian Piano: Tradition and Improvisation,” a musical tour of great composers and folk melodies, with pianist John Thomas and an unnamed special guest on Sunday, Aug. 21, 5 p.m. Admission is $25, with discounts for seniors; kids under 12 free. See brownpapertickets.com.
Feeling Blue? (Sunday, August 21)
The Provincetown Art House hosts the Indigo Girls for a one-time only show at town hall on Sunday, Aug. 21, 9 p.m. See the iconic folk-rock duo perform as part of the Town Hall Series. Tickets range from $75 to $200 at brownpapertickets.com. Vax cards required.
Bohemian Rhapsody (Monday, August 22)
The Wellfleet Public Library will host a talk with John Taylor Williams and Baroness Helena Kennedy on Monday, Aug. 22, 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Williams will discuss his book The Shores of Bohemia about Cape Cod’s early artists, dreamers, writers, and activists. Free; masks required.
Rye, Yes! (Tuesday, August 23)
The Provincetown Senior Center presents another installment of “Going with the Grain” on Tuesday, Aug. 23, 10 a.m. Get information each month on one grain’s health benefits, cooking tips and recipes, and historical and cultural facts. This month: rye. RSVP required at 508-487-7080.
Wanna Henna? (Tuesday, August 23)
The Truro Library invites everyone ages 10 and up to meet artist Jennifer Stratton and receive a hand-designed henna tattoo on Tuesday, Aug. 23, 1 to 2 p.m.
Bless You! (Tuesday, August 23.)
Water’s Edge Cinema at 237 Commercial St., Provincetown, will show Flaubrucht in a special screening on Tuesday, Aug. 23, 7 p.m. In the film, a half-human warlock from the magical land of Flaubrucht makes a comical journey to New York City, Provincetown, and beyond in search of his mother, Frau Beverley Blucht, a witch. Q & A with the director, cast, and crew afterward.
Get Schooled (Wednesday, August 24)
The Truro Public Library presents “Dress Code” with author Véronique Hyland on Wednesday, Aug. 24, 6 to 7 p.m. Learn about history, current culture, and what your style communicates to the world from this fashion expert and editor at Elle magazine. Free.
Trick and Treat (Thursday, August 25)
The Provincetown Senior Center presents “Magic Tricks & Treats,” an end-of-the-summer party with the children in the recreation dept.’s summer program, on Thursday, Aug. 25, 1 p.m. Fun for all ages, frozen desserts, and a magic show. Free; rides available. RSVP required by Aug. 19 at 508-487-7080.
Moving Artistry (Thursday, August 25)
Wellfleet Preservation Hall, 335 Main St., presents a special event in support of Afghan artists, featuring award-winning author Homeira Qaderi, on Thursday, Aug. 25, 5 to 6:30 p.m. This is a fundraising event to aid Afghan women artists relocating to Massachusetts. Also speaking will be two new Afghan residents of Wellfleet, the subject of a recent article in the Independent. Tickets are $25 at wellfleetpreservationhall.org.