Outer Cape Calendar
Pier Pressure

The Addison Art Gallery in Orleans will make a donation to the Eastham, Wellfleet, and Truro public libraries for every Paul Schulenburg painting sold through June 9. A selection of paintings by Schulenberg of fishermen working on the piers is on view at addisonart.com.
Different Spokes
“Bike M.S.: Cape Cod Getaway,” a fund-raiser for multiple sclerosis, has gone virtual this year. Ride yourself, or even join a team, but sign up now at the “Virtual Bike MS: Cape Cod Getaway 2020” Facebook page. The event takes places on Saturday, June 27, 7:30 a.m. to Sunday, June 28, 4 p.m.
Virtual Salon
Beginning Monday, June 8, Truro Center for the Arts at Castle Hill is launching a four-month virtual residency program, led by Michael David, called the Yellow Chair Salon. It is open to artists of all levels and mediums: share your art practice and make friendships. The first two months will be spent as a group workshop, and for the second two, you’ll present your work for consults with guest artists. Eight sessions, 90 minutes each, $575, at castlehill.org.
Code of Conduct
The “Cape Symphony Baton Hero Competition” gives amateur conductors the opportunity to show off their skills without leaving their living rooms. Film a video of yourself “conducting” your favorite symphonic recording, upload it to YouTube, and submit an entry form. Submissions are due Wednesday, June 24, at 5 p.m. If you’re awarded Most Dramatic, Funniest, Most Believable/Professional, Best Special Effects, or Best Overall, you’ll receive a $25 gift card to Cape Symphony. Visit capesymphony.org and click on “Baton Hero Competition.”
Fair Share
Through June 21, the New Art Dealers Alliance is organizing an online art fair with 200 participating galleries, including Gaa Gallery in Provincetown. Each week, a new batch of artworks is offered for sale. Check out the wares at thisisfair.org.
Songbird Seminar
Melissa Lowe, director of Mass Audubon Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary, is hosting the virtual presentation “Whip-poor-will 101,” about the bird with the onomatopoeic name whose song you may have heard on spring nights. The talk, on Friday, June 12, at 3 p.m., will cover the Whip-poor-will’s “behavior, distribution, natural history, and fascinating relationship with humans.” The cost is $22. Registration at massaudubon.org is required: click on the “Get Outdoors” menu, then “Program Catalog” and “Online Programs.”
Sand Is Grand
The Sand Sculpture Trail in Yarmouth is on this year! Local businesses sponsor 18 family-friendly sand sculptures created by Fitzy Snowman Sculpting. You can download a map to follow along, and there will be a photo contest. It starts in June and continues through the summer. Visit yarmouthcapecod.com for details.
Hell’s Angel

The Metropolitan Opera continues its program of free virtual performances, a new opera daily. This week, on Friday, June 5 (from 7:30 p.m. until 6:30 p.m. the following day), a 2017 performance of Thomas Adès’s The Exterminating Angel, based on the Luis Buñuel film, will stream for free. To watch: Google “Nightly Met Opera Streams” and go to that page. For The Exterminating Angel, scroll down to June 5.