Outer Cape Calendar
Friday, Jan. 3, and Monday, Jan. 6, 1:30-3 p.m.
Post-holiday Reset & Recuperation is a small group workshop to process holiday experiences, facilitated by Deborah Smulian and guest, Sam, at Wellfleet Council on Aging, 715 Old King’s Highway. Call to reserve a seat: (508) 349-2800. Free.
Saturday, Jan. 4, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
This is the opening day of “Earth Peace: Climate Justice, Common Ground,” a show of work by artists of all ages, sponsored and curated by artpeacemakers.org, at Wellfleet Public Library, 55 W. Main St. Free.
Saturday, Jan. 4, 1 p.m.
Learn Line Dancing with Stephen and Deirdre Burke of Shall We Dance? Cape Cod at the Eastham Public Library at 190 Samoset Road. Register at easthamlibrary.org. Free.
Tuesday, Jan. 7, noon-4 p.m.
Pickup Day for Members’ Open: Small Works Exhibit happens today at the Provincetown Art Association and Museum at 460 Commercial St. The exhibit ends on Sunday, Jan. 5.

Tuesday, Jan. 7, 2-4 p.m.
Season subscriptions go on sale for the 2020 season of the Provincetown Theater: The Drag, by May West, a homosexual comedy banned in 1927, May 14-June 7; The Lady Hamlet, by Sarah Schulman, a farce about a lesbian artist’s wish to exist, June 29-July 23; Jerker, by Robert Chesley, a pornographic elegy in 20 phone calls, Aug. 3-Sept. 3; The Cake, by Bekah Brunstetter, a comedy about two women who just want to have a nice wedding, Oct. 8-25; and A Moon for the Misbegotten, by Eugene O’Neill, Nov. 19-Dec. 6. Call the theater box office at (508) 487-7487.

Tuesday, Jan. 7, 4 p.m.
The 37th annual Re-Rooters Day Ceremony, presented by Jay Critchley, CEO of the Re-Rooters Day Society, will be held at the Harbor Hotel beach at 698 Commercial St. in Provincetown. Participants are invited to bring nontoxic items and thoughts in order to purge 2019. The event happens storm or shine. Free.
Tuesday, Jan. 7, 5:30-7:15 p.m.
Game Night: Cribbage, at Truro Public Library at 7 Standish Way. Free.
Wednesday, Jan. 8, noon-1:30 p.m.
A Crock Pot Luck Luncheon will be held at the Truro Public Library at 7 Standish Way. Bring a soup or stew to share (preferably in a crock pot) — but come even if you can’t. Library will supply bread, coffee, tea, and cold drinks.
Wednesday, Jan. 8, 6-8 p.m.
Usher in the New Year at the Writer’s Voice Café open mic, with Silence, Music, Singing, Meditation, Chanting, and Readings, led by members of the Outer Cape Community at Provincetown Public Library at 356 Commercial St. Bring a blanket and candle. Free.