I don’t love New Year’s resolutions. But if you made any, now’s the time to ask: have you stuck with them? If you have, kudos to you, but for the rest of us mortals, now is a great time to reinvigorate those lost declarations of hope and change.
Aries season is here, and it’s the astrological new year. As the Sun moves into Aries, it joins Mercury and Venus, whose retrogrades may be beneficial as long as you’re in step with the season. And while trickster Mercury will surely lead to complications in communication, it will also give us the opportunity to revisit projects we may have put off or forgotten about.
March 21 – April 19
Issues with your cognitive abilities and self-esteem may become the focus of your week. Don’t dwell too much on what you think you lack.
April 20 – May 20
Our self-images can be roadblocks if we’re not careful; that is something to look out for this week. The untruths you believe must be challenged and acknowledged if you’re going to change.
May 21 – June 20
Now is not the week to start new projects or set new goals. While opportunities may seem worth exploring, right now you’ll be better off doubling back to things you’ve left unfinished.
June 21 – July 22
Things you’ve been keeping to yourself may bubble up this week. Best to go ahead and get things off your chest.
July 23 – Aug. 22
You know exactly how to keep yourself entertained, because you think you’re the smartest, funniest, most attractive person in the room. As long as you’re the only one there, you’re absolutely right.
Aug. 23 – Sept. 22
It’s time to take care of unfinished business. Don’t jump head-first into a new project until you’ve taken care of the old. Whatever that shiny new thing is, it can wait.
Sept. 23 – Oct. 22
We all like to believe we’re not the problem, but acknowledging your mistakes will do a lot more for your self-esteem than you think.
Oct. 23 – Nov. 21
You may not be happy with playing a support role, but this week your ability to support others through chaotic times is what you have to offer.
Nov. 22 – Dec. 21
You may have a keen and critical eye for seeing what’s wrong with a situation, but that’s not going to solve it. You’re going to need to get your hands dirty.
Dec. 22 – Jan. 19
There will be plenty of distractions drawing your attention away from your goals this week. Remain steadfast and keep working or you will lose precious time and resources.
Jan. 20 – Feb. 18
While passion is not something to be relied on, it can sure help when your routine starts to feel boring and stale. Let yourself feel it to keep the dream alive — whatever that may be.
Feb. 19 – March 20
Being adaptable is one of your superpowers, but the changes in your environment obscure your goals. Be sure that you adapt in ways that will benefit you.