This week is all about relationality and connectedness, a view of the world in which existence means being in relationship with others. Astrology always takes this view, I think. Or maybe it’s more like chemistry: we look at how one thing interacts with another; sometimes it creates a beautiful or useful reaction, and other times it can be absolutely explosive.
Venus, the ultimate planet of relationships, is retrograding in Aries, and Mercury is showing up to join her. This can be troublesome or potentially enlightening. The troublesome part: it can cause complications in relationships, making us second-guess where we stand with others. Reflecting Aries’s brash nature, it can also lead to harsh words and inflammatory language. On the other side: this alignment can help us redefine and strengthen our more meaningful relationships and help us let go of the rest.
Regardless of whether you’re dealing with trouble or getting enlightened, my advice is to think before you speak.
March 21 – April 19
Relationships may seem overcomplicated and confusing this week. It’s possible that a past lover or friend may show up in your life. It’s a message, but not an opportunity to rekindle an old flame.
April 20 – May 20
If you’re feeling a little uninspired this week, don’t take that as a reason to make rash decisions. You’re more likely to find passion through connection and communication. At the very least, give words to your frustration.
May 21 – June 20
Be careful with what you say and how you say it this week, especially when talking with your loved ones. Touchy subjects and points of contention are better left for a later date. If conversations get heated, just walk away.
June 21 – July 22
Solving other people’s problems is a full-time job. Relationship dynamics may eat up more of your time this week than you would like, but won’t it be satisfying to see a few things through to their conclusions?
July 23 – Aug. 22
Just as there is an art to making a critique, there is an art to delivering one. Packaging your comments as inspiring advice instead of barbed jabs will make you a lot more friends — or at least fewer enemies.
Aug. 23 – Sept. 22
It may feel like others’ unresolved issues are slowing you down this week. If you find yourself saying, “Why can’t anyone get it together?” it may be a good time to reframe the situation with a bit of empathy.
Sept. 23 – Oct. 22
If you’re finding yourself in the middle of other people’s messy relationships, your rational advice may be just the thing. If your mediation skills are needed, don’t hold back.
Oct. 23 – Nov. 21
Sometimes you’re the only one who can snap people back into reality. While dreaming helps us survive in this often cruel world, you know what’s necessary to give dreams form. Innovation is nothing without hard work.
Nov. 22 – Dec. 21
Don’t internalize the frustration you are feeling. Let it out before it reaches a boiling point. Express it through an artistic medium if possible — that will be a relief.
Dec. 22 – Jan. 19
Giving form and structure to your ideas will be easier than usual this week. It’s a good time to make something tangible. What you make will help you succeed with the bigger project you’re striving to crack.
Jan. 20 – Feb. 18
The routines that keep us grounded are just as important as the stories we tell ourselves to keep us going. Let your dreams give you the energy to keep pushing.
Feb. 19 – March 20
Giving your relationships the time and space they need to grow and flourish is not easy, especially when others don’t seem motivated to do the same. Just keep showing up quietly, calmly, and compassionately.