With the Sun in Pisces, all play and no work will not fly.
While the desire to avoid work will be strong in the days ahead, the need for it will be apparent. This is no time to ignore your responsibilities. You’ll also need to keep your expectations about quick results in check.
At the same time, Venus in Aries begins to retrograde this week. When the planet of love and beauty grinds to a halt, it’s a signal you might want to think twice before indulging.
What all this comes down to is this: put a little extra effort into whatever you do this week. You’ll be glad you did.
March 21 – April 19
Get in touch with your emotions or else they’ll rule your decisions. It’s better to properly communicate how you feel than to succeed at controlling your feelings.
April 20 – May 20
Whatever it is you care about, cherish it and don’t take it for granted. Your social interactions and personal dealings are helping you move toward the life that you desire.
May 21 – June 20
Your week will be greatly enhanced by the pursuit of art, beauty, and culture. You’ll learn a lot from assessing what catches your eye and why. Leaning into your creativity will give you a boost of energy.
June 21 – July 22
It’ll be easy to get frustrated with those around you this week, especially if they’re not living up to your expectations. It’s okay to call things as you see them, but before you do, ask yourself how you’d receive the criticism you’re about to give.
July 23 – Aug. 22
Expect to contend with some deep emotions, especially if you’re going through any major changes right now. While compartmentalizing them may seem efficient, you’re better off facing them head on.
Aug. 23 – Sept. 22
Focus on finding new ways to tackle familiar goals and tasks. You may be surprised to find this leads you to unexpected opportunities and sources of support.
Sept. 23 – Oct. 22
You’ll need to take a slower pace this week and focus inward on what gives your life meaning. That’s where you’ll find that spark of inspiration that empowers and emboldens you for what’s ahead.
Oct. 23 – Nov. 21
Sure, be helpful and get involved; this is a great week to take on some additional tasks. But stick to things that allow you to use your organizational and communication skills. Otherwise, you’re better off giving yourself a break.
Nov. 22 – Dec. 21
Frustration bubbles up as you see other people’s lack of planning and organization. Don’t take the bait. You’re better off doubling down on your own ventures. Don’t stress yourself out about what other people need to do.
Dec. 22 – Jan. 19
Don’t trust everything you hear, but don’t waste your time arguing either. You’ve got more than enough to do without trying to persuade others to believe the same things you do.
Jan. 20 – Feb. 18
Listen, and you might hear some good news that will help you reset and reorient your priorities. Then put in the hours, and you’ll get your returns.
Feb. 19 – March 20
Small problems could blow up into much larger issues if you pay too much attention to them. Stay on task and don’t pick at a problem that you’re unable to solve. Just trust that it will be resolved in due time.