PITTSFIELD — Nauset High’s varsity golf team was a long way from home on Monday in the highlands of western Massachusetts. The golfers were at Berkshire Hills Country Club as the 13 best teams in the state’s Division 2 high school golf ranks teed up for their final tournament of the year.
Nauset finished fifth overall with a score of +28, beating sectional rivals Duxbury and Norton (both +33), who tied for sixth. Pope Francis Preparatory School (+20) took first place, while Westwood, Old Rochester, and Nashoba (all +22) tied for second. It was a strong performance from a team that had traveled further to get to the tournament than any of their opponents — well over 200 miles from one end of Massachusetts to the other.
The scoring system combined the four best individual records from each team on the par-72 course. Jack Martin (+4), Oliver Smith (+5), Jake Everson (+8), and Max St. Aubin (+11) contributed to Nauset’s final score. Unlike regular season matches, which are played over just nine holes, the competitors fought through all 18 holes of the 5,757-meter course.

It was the first time anyone from Nauset had played the Pittsfield course, so they arrived on Sunday afternoon for a practice round before Monday’s tournament. “The weather is beautiful, and the setting is great,” coach Brian Hicks said. “That said, they’re playing for a state championship, so there will certainly be nerves.”
Hicks, who celebrated his 200th career win on Oct. 2 with a 230-259 triumph over Sandwich High School, likes his team to approach the season as a series of milestones. The first step is to qualify for sectionals, which requires a team to win at least half of its matches — which Nauset easily achieved at Captain’s Golf Course on Sep. 23 when the team beat Monomoy 242-256.
In fact, Nauset was undefeated through the regular season, winning all 16 regularly scheduled matches. It was a notable improvement over 2023’s 13-2 record and 2022’s 8-10 record.
The next step was to qualify for the state championship, which Nauset achieved at the Division 2 South Sectional at Segregansett Country Club on Oct. 16. Of 15 teams, only the top four moved on to the state championship: Norton finished first at +31, followed by Old Rochester (+37), Duxbury (+38), and Nauset (+41).
While Nauset was fourth overall at sectionals, two players scored in the top five: Max St. Aubin, a junior, finished third overall at +1, while team captain Jack Martin, a senior, tied for fourth with Old Rochester’s Peter Le Gassick at +5. Nauset’s other scorers were freshman Oliver Smith (+16) and junior Matthew Breda (+19).
“Now we’ve achieved at a very high level,” Hicks told the Independent on Saturday. “I hope the boys have a great time at the championship.”
Calling Monday’s performance “a great time” is an understatement. Martin’s +4 performance earned him a very respectable 12th place out of 97 players, tying with Wakefield’s Patrick Maloney, Duxbury’s Matt Nejame, Leominster’s Luke Grebinar, and Whitinsville’s Micah Deters. Once again, Foxborough’s Zac Georgantas took first place, shooting one under par.
Martin is by now a household name for fans of Nauset golf. In 2021, he played in the New England Championship, finishing 25th overall, and he was named an all-star by the Boston Herald in 2023 and 2024. Martin got his start at age six, when his grandmother signed him up for a First Tee youth golf program in Yarmouth. He’s been playing competitively since fifth grade. “He’s been good since he set foot at Nauset,” Hicks said. “He came with experience.”
The last time Nauset competed for the Division 2 title was in 2021 when the tournament was held at Sandy Burr Country Club in Wayland. The team finished 11th overall with a score of +62, but Martin, then a freshman, finished 15th individually at +4. He was the only player on this year’s team to have competed in two different state championships.
Hicks sees a bright future for Nauset golf even after Martin graduates. “Oliver Smith is really good,” he said, referring to the freshman who scored a respectable +5 for the Warriors in both the sectional tournament and the state championship. Smith played on Cape Cod Academy’s varsity team as an eighth-grader before transferring to Nauset this year and is one of three players, along with Martin and St. Aubin, to shoot under par during the regular season.
“That’s really, really good play,” Hicks said. “Normally you have a couple of kids who are very good and some kids who are just learning the game. This year, top to bottom, we had 11 very good players on the team.”
In other sporting news, the Nauset varsity girls soccer team qualified for the MIAA state tournament after beating Barnstable 8-0 on Oct. 9. The girls went on to enjoy a four-game winning streak, beating Sandwich, Martha’s Vineyard, and Barnstable without letting a single goal through until their 0-1 loss to Pembroke on Monday.