Though the great civil rights leader, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., was born on Jan. 15, 1929, his birthday is memorialized on a federal holiday on the third Monday in January each year. In 2020, that Monday is Jan. 20. On the Outer Cape, commemorative activities and exhibits throughout the weekend are mostly located in Wellfleet Center.
Thursday, Jan. 16
3 – 4:30 p.m.
Nauset Regional High School, gallery by the auditorium, 100 Cable Road in Eastham
The Nauset Human Rights Academy (an after-school organization recognized by the Barnstable Human Rights Commission) and the Honors Exploring and Respecting Differences (HEARD) classes (adviser: Lisa Brown) are collaborating with the honors portfolio art class to create an exhibit about civil rights and social justice issues, with an emphasis on finding “The Middle Way.” Students will be available to act as docents and answer questions about the exhibit. Refreshments will be served. Open to the public and free.
Friday, Jan. 17
5 – 7 p.m.
Wellfleet Public Library, 55 W. Main St.
An Artists of All Ages Party will be held to commemorate the “Earth Peace: Climate Justice/Common Ground” art exhibit at the library, on view through Jan. 24.
Saturday, Jan. 18
10 a.m. – noon
Wellfleet Public Library, 55 W. Main St.
The library hosts a Freedom Song Circle, a community folk song circle for all ages, with #theBeatGreens and the #DownToTheWireChoir. Bring a song. Open to the public and free.
Monday, Jan. 20: MLK Jr. Day
18th annual WalKING celebration
11 a.m – noon
Wellfleet Preservation Hall, 335 Main St.
Drop off donations for the Wellfleet Food Pantry, as well as finger food for the potluck following the walk.
11:30 a.m.
Wellfleet Town Hall, 286 Main St.
Join a Drum Song Chalk Circle as people assemble at Town Hall.

Wellfleet Town Hall, 286 Main St.
Rain, snow, or shine, a meditative walKING, with nonviolent signs and banners, will proceed from Town Hall to the Wellfleet Public Library, ending at Wellfleet Preservation Hall.
Noon-2 p.m.
Wellfleet Preservation Hall, 335 Main St.
Enjoy a potluck welcome table of healthy finger food and check out the work at the MLK Kids’ Art Show, on view through Jan. 25, sponsored by Artpeacemakers, the Wellfleet Racial Justice Study Group, and the Nauset Integrated MLK Action Team.
12:25 p.m.
Watch Dr. King’s “I have a dream” speech.