Conservation Commission
Public Hearing
April 1, 2024
TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: The Truro Conservation Commission will hold a public hearing Monday, April 1, 2024, at 5:00PM; THIS IS A HYBRID PARTICIPATION MEETING (in person and remote). Under the Executive Order Suspending Certain Provisions of the Open Meeting Law, signed by Governor Baker on March 12, 2020, all members in any meeting of the public body may participate remotely. Specific information and the general guidelines for remote participation by members of the public will be posted on the Truro website:, in accordance with Massachusetts General Law 131 section 40 (Wetlands Protection Act) and the Truro Conservation Bylaw, Chapter 8 to consider the following:
Notice of Intent:
11 Old County Rd, Eric Bingham: vista pruning; Buffer Zone to a Bordering Vegetated Wetland. (Map 50, Parcel 237)
5 Depot Ln, Ann Marie Wilkinson: vista pruning; Riverfront Area, Buffer Zone to Coastal Bank. (Map 50, Parcel 95)
Request for Determination of Applicability:
21 Priest Rd, Kathy Jackson: cesspool upgrade; Buffer Zone to Isolated Land Subject to Flooding. (Map 54, Parcel 13)
Carol Girard-Irwin, Chair, Truro Conservation Commission
Published: Independent, March 21, 2024
Truro Planning Board
Notice of Remote Public Hearing
Wednesday, April 10, 2024 at 5:00 pm
View on television Channel 8 in Truro; or on the Homepage website (, select “Truro TV Channel 8” button under “Helpful Links”, and click on the green “Watch” button in the upper right corner of the page.
Join Zoom from your computer, tablet, or smartphone:
Meeting ID: 830 8012 2190
Passcode: 663266
1-646-931-3860 or 1-305-224-1968
Proposed Amendments to the Town of Truro Zoning Bylaw: The Town of Truro Planning Board will hold a public hearing pursuant to G.L. c.40A, §5 regarding the following proposed amendments to the Truro Zoning Bylaw:
- Amend Zoning Bylaw by inserting new 40.9: entitled Time Share, Interval and Fractional Ownership Units, prohibiting such use in any dwelling unit in the Town in all Zoning Districts.
- Delete existing Truro/Provincetown Aquifer Assessment and Groundwater Protection Plan and insert new Water Resource Protection Overlay District (WRPOD) map as Exhibit B to the Zoning Bylaw;
Amend §20.3, Location of Districts to expressly incorporate new WRPOD Map, Exhibit B, into Zoning Bylaw;
Amend §90.5.A, Overlay Districts, Water Resource Protection District to define District and expressly incorporate new WRPOD Map, Exhibit B, into Zoning Bylaw.
These proposed amendments and new WRPOD map are available for review in the Truro Planning Department in Town Hall; online using the following link and viewing under News & Announcements: https://truro-ma-gov/planning-board; or by contacting the Planning Department at (508) 214-0935 or
Rich Roberts, Chair
Published in Provincetown Independent March 21 and March 28, 2024