Town of Truro
Zoning Board of Appeals
Remote Public Hearing
Monday, March 27, 2023 at 5:30 pm
2023-002/ZBA – Steven and Deborah Dillon, 19 Highland Avenue (Atlas Map 32, Parcel 3). Applicant seeks variances for construction of shed on pre-existing non-conforming lot within 15 feet of rear lot line and 5 feet of side lot line, where 25 ft. are required.
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View on television Channel 18 in Truro; or on the Homepage website (, select “Truro TV Channel 18” button under “Helpful Links”, and click on the green “Watch” button in the upper right corner of the page.
Contact the Planning Department Administrator at (508) 214-0935 or to provide written comment via postal mail or email, and for review of applications and plans.
Art Hultin, Chair
The Provincetown Independent, February 23 and March 2, 2022
Town of Truro
Records Management, Storage and Archiving Services
The Town of Truro seeks proposals from qualified vendors (firm or team) offering superior services in the areas of Records Management, Storage and Archiving, to assist the Town in preserving its records and providing meaningful public access to such records where feasible
This Request for Proposals (RFP) has been issued pursuant to Massachusetts General Law Chapter 30B, Uniform Procurement Act, and all stages of the selection process will be governed by that Act. The RFP and related information may be obtained by going to our bid and proposals website at or by contacting Kaci Fullerton, Town Clerk, Town of Truro, at
Responses to this RFP require separate Technical Proposals and Price Proposals, each submitted in separate, sealed envelopes. Failure to comply with this and other submission requirements described herein may result in a Proposal being considered nonresponsive.
Hard Copy proposals as described within should be submitted to Darrin Tangeman, Town Manager, Town of Truro, 24 Town Hall Road, P.O. Box 2030, Truro, MA 02666, no later than 4:00 p.m. on March 31, 2023, with an additional electronic copy of the Technical Proposal to Late proposals will not be accepted, and hard copy proposals are required by the deadline as well as an electronic copy send to Darrin Tangeman at
The Town of Truro reserves the right to reject any or all proposals which are not responsible and/or responsive, in whole or in part, as deemed in the best interests of the Town, in accordance with G.L. c. 30B, Uniform Procurement Act.
Published: Independent, March 2, 2023
Town of Truro
Notice of Request for Proposals
Historic Record Preservation and Archiving Services
The Town of Truro seeks proposals from qualified vendors (firm or team) offering superior services in the areas of Historic Record Preservation and Archiving Services, to assist the Town in preserving its records and providing meaningful public access to such records where feasible.
This Request for Proposals (RFP) has been issued pursuant to Massachusetts General Law Chapter 30B, Uniform Procurement Act, and all stages of the selection process will be governed by that Act. The RFP and related information may be obtained by going to our bid and proposals website at or by contacting Kaci Fullerton, Town Clerk, Town of Truro, at
Responses to this RFP require separate Technical Proposals and Price Proposals, each submitted
in separate, sealed envelopes. Failure to comply with this and other submission requirements
described herein may result in a Proposal being considered nonresponsive.
Hard Copy proposals as described within should be submitted to Darrin Tangeman, Town Manager, Town of Truro, 24 Town Hall Road, P.O. Box 2030, Truro, MA 02666, no later than 4:00 p.m. on March 31, 2023, with an additional electronic copy of the Technical Proposal to Late proposals will not be accepted, and hard copy proposals are required by the deadline as well as an electronic copy send to Darrin Tangeman at
The Town of Truro reserves the right to reject any or all proposals which are not responsible and/or responsive, in whole or in part, as deemed in the best interests of the Town, in accordance with G.L. c. 30B, Uniform Procurement Act.
Published: Independent, March 2, 2023