Town of Provincetown
Select Board
Public Hearing
Petition Installation of Electrical Equipment
September 9, 2024
The Provincetown Select Board will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, September 9, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. in the Judge Welsh Room, Town Hall, 260 Commercial Street, Provincetown, MA 02657 pursuant to MGL Chapter 166, Section 22, on the following request:
Application by Marissa Jackson on behalf of Eversource Energy requesting permission to install a new Handhole at the base of pole 62/1 and 13’ of 1-3” conduit to a customer installed Handhole at 7 Tremont Street. in accordance with the plan filed herewith marked Plan NO. 17514418 dated June 10, 2024.
Copies of the plan can be viewed upon request. Comments may be submitted in writing by Tuesday, September 3, 2024, 12 noon to the Office of the Select Board, 260 Commercial Street, Provincetown, MA 02657 or or in person at the hearing.
David Abramson, Chairman
Select Board
Posted: Town Hall,, 07/31/24 12:34 pm, EP
Independent: August 22nd and August 29th, 2024
Town of Provincetown
Zoning Board of Appeals
Public Hearing
September 5, 2024
The Provincetown Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a Public Hearing at 6:00 P.M. on Thursday, September 5, 2024, in the Judge Welsh Room in Town Hall, 260 Commercial Street, Provincetown, MA on the following cases:
ZBA 24-29
Application by Don DiRocco, on behalf of Michael B. Kidd Living Trust & Kenneth Lee Sloan Living Trust, seeking a Special Permit pursuant to Article 2, Section 2640, Building Scale, of the Zoning By-Laws to construct an addition that would increase the scale of a structure that is already in excess of the maximum allowable neighborhood scale on the property located at 70 Franklin Street (Residential 3 Zone).
ZBA 24-30
Application by Ted Smith, on behalf of Westscoo Productions, LLC, seeking a Special Permit pursuant to Article 3, Sections 3110, Change, Extensions or Alterations, and 3115, Demolition and Reconstruction, of the Zoning By-Laws to renovate and modify a structure, including a partial demolition of its rear portion, on a pre-existing, non-conforming lot on the property located at 289 Commercial Street (Town Center Commercial Zone).
ZBA 24-31
Application by Ted Smith, on behalf of Clipper Ventures Realty Trust, seeking a Special Permit pursuant to Article 2, Sections 2620, Design Standards, and 2630, Roofs, and Article 3, Section 3110, Change, Extensions or Alterations, of the Zoning By-Laws to add dormers on the east and west elevations up and along pre-existing, non-conforming east and west side yard setbacks and which will exceed 50% of the floor area directly below them on the structure located at 335 Commercial Street (Town Center Commercial Zone).
ZBA 24-32
Application by Ted Smith, on behalf of Latasa-Nicks Properties, LLC, seeking a Special Permit pursuant to Article 2, Section 2640, Building Scale, and Article 3, Sections 3110, Change, Extensions or Alterations and 3115, Demolition and Reconstruction, of the Zoning By-Laws to convert a commercial use to a residential use, to renovate a structure that has a building scale in excess of the maximum allowable neighborhood scale, to add two residential units, to demolish a one-story addition on the north elevation, to add dormers, to add a second-floor porch and access door on the south elevation, and to enclose an existing covered porch on the west elevation on the property located at 404 Commercial Street, U1 (Town Center Commercial Zone).
ZBA 24-33
Application by Russell Perry, on behalf of William J. Schwartz et ux., seeking a Special Permit pursuant to Article 3, Sections 3110, Change, Extensions or Alterations, of the Zoning By-Laws to extend a pre-existing, non-conforming second-floor dormer on the southwest elevation by 9’6” on the structure located at 577 Commercial Street, UCTG (Residential 2 Zone).
ZBA 24-34
Application by James Wolfe, on behalf of TVL Provincetown Hospitality, LLC, seeking a Special Permit pursuant to Article 2, Section 2440, Permitted Principal Uses, B. Business, B5, Restaurants, Bars, Entertainment, of the Zoning By-Laws to add light music at the Cabana Bar on the property located at 698 Commercial Street (Residential 1 Zone).
ZBA 24-35
Application by James Mahoney, on behalf of Andrew P. Selwyn Irrevocable Trust, seeking a Special Permit pursuant to Article 2, Section 2640, Building Scale, and Article 3, Section 3110, Change, Extensions or Alterations, of the Zoning By-Laws to raise a structure, to extend a set of stairs along a pre-existing, non-conforming east side yard setback to reach the ground from a new height, to cantilever an extension of the decks on the south and west elevations and to increase the building scale of a structure that is in excess of the maximum allowable neighborhood scale on the property located at 453 Commercial Street, U1 (Residential 3 Zone).
ZBA 24-36
Application by Robin B. Reid, Esq., on behalf of Chester Ritchie and Benjamin Meents, seeking a Special Permit pursuant to Article 3, Sections 3110, Change, Extensions or Alterations, and 3115, Demolition and Reconstruction of the Zoning By-Laws to restore a legally non-conforming single family structure and accessory cottage up and along pre-existing, non-conforming front, side and rear yard setbacks on an under-sized lot on the property located at 4 Baker Avenue (Residential 3 Zone).
ZBA 24-38
Application by Mikhail Glabets seeking a Special Permit pursuant to Article 3, Section 3110, Change, Extensions or Alterations, of the Zoning By-Laws to remove an existing shed, measuring 8’ by 8’, and to assemble a new shed, measuring 8’ by 10’, that will extend along a pre-existing, non-conforming rear yard setback on the property located at 963 Commercial Street, U14.
Jeremy Callahan, Chair
Posted: Town Hall,, 08/14/2024 8:30 am, EP
The Independent: August 22 and 29, 2024
Town of Provincetown
Conservation Commission
Public Hearing
September 3, 2024
In accordance with the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act (M.G.L. c. 131, s. 40) and/or Provincetown General Bylaws Chapter 12, Wetlands Protection Bylaw, the Provincetown Conservation Commission will hold a Public Hearing at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 3, 2024, in the Judge Welsh Room, Town Hall, 260 Commercial Street, Provincetown, MA, to consider the following in addition to cases continued from previous hearings:
CON-24-101 79 Commercial Street Notice of Intent filed by Patrick Wilson to reconstruct pile supported deck. Work to take place within Coastal Beach and Land Subject to Coastal Storm Flowage.
Copies of the applications listed in this hearing notice may be viewed either at the Community Development Office in Town Hall, or online by clicking on the links in the meeting agenda, which will be posted on the Town’s website at least 48 hours before the time of the meeting.
Alfred Famiglietti, Chair
Posted by the Town Clerk: 08/20/2024, 10:35 am AR
The Provincetown Independent: August 29, 2024
Town of Provincetown
Historic District Commission
Public Hearing
September 18, 2024
The Provincetown Historic District Commission will hold a Public Hearing at 3:30 P.M. on Wednesday, September 18, 2024, in the Judge Welsh Room at Town Hall, 260 Commercial Street, Provincetown, MA.
Public Hearings will be held for the following applications requesting a Certificate to be issued in accordance with the Provincetown Historic District Commission established under the General By-Laws, Chapter 15 of the Town of Provincetown.
HDC 24-230
Application by Greg Mazares, on behalf of Peter M. D’Alesso, requesting to replace 6 windows and 1 patio door on the structure located at 287 Bradford Street.
HDC 24-233
Application by Stephen Gordich requesting to remove a window, relocate a window, replace a window, and replace a slider, and install an egress door and 2 door hoods on the structure located at 348A Commercial Street, U3.
John Dowd, Chair
Posted by the Town Clerk 08/21/2024, 11:05 am AR
Published: The Independent August 29 and September 5, 2024
Town of Provincetown
Planning Board
Public Hearing
September 12, 2024
The Provincetown Planning Board will hold a Public Hearing on Thursday, September 12, 2024, at 6:00 P.M. in the Judge Welsh Hearing Room, Town Hall, 260 Commercial Street, Provincetown, MA.
The Planning Board will consider the following requests:
PLN 24-19
Application by Robin B. Reid, Esq ., on behalf of Lexvest 322 Commercial, LLC, seeking Site Plan Review pursuant to Article 4, Section 4010, Administrative Site Plan Review, of the Zoning By-Laws to revive an existing driveway leading to the rear of a commercial structure and a former garage for the purpose of providing parking on the property located at 322 Commercial Street.
PLN 24-20
Application by Robin B. Reid, Esq., on behalf of James Mauro, seeking a Site Plan Review by Special Permit pursuant to Article 4, Section 4015 a. (1), Site Plan Review by Special Permit, of the Zoning By-Laws to convert an existing office condominium unit to a two-bedroom residential unit, thereby increasing the residential units to three or more on the property located at 167 Commercial Street, U2.
PLN 24-21
Application by Robin B. Reid, Esq., on behalf of Seamen’s Bank, seeking a Site Plan Review by Special Permit pursuant to Article 4, Section a. (3), Site Plan Review by Special Permit, to demolish an existing principal structure and to construct a new building with a drive-through to accommodate the branch of a proposed bank to be located at 94 Harry Kemp Way.
Dana Masterpolo, Chair
Posted: 08/21/2024, 11:20 am AR
The Independent: August 29 and September 5, 2024