Town of Eastham
Historical Commission
Public Hearing
August 20, 2024
The Town of Eastham Historical Commission will hold a public hearing on AUGUST 20, 2024, AT 11:00 AM in the Eastham Meeting Room at the Eastham Public Library, 190 Samoset Road, Eastham, MA on the following petition. The application and proposed plans are available for inspection in advance of the hearing via email. Please call 508 240 5900 x3231 or email to re-quest a copy of the application.
Case No. HC2024 – 02-1090 Samoset Road , Aaron Schneiderman (Owner), Rich Despres (Applicant) seek to Demolish a Significant Building pursuant to Eastham Zoning By-law Section11 (Procedure for the Demolition of Historically or Architecturally Significant Buildings)
Case No. HC2024 – 03–410 Steele Road, Map 4 Parcel 122B,JaniceSlater(Owner/Applicant) seek to Demolish a Significant Building pursuant to Eastham Zoning By-law Section 11(Procedure for the Demolition of Historically or Architecturally Significant Buildings) to demolish a building that is in whole or part seventy-five or more years old, and/or is listed in, or is within an area listed in the National Register of Historic Places, or the State Register of Historic Places, or is the subject of a pending application for listing in said Registers, or has previously been determined to be eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places, and/or has been previously determined by vote of the Commission to be: Historically or architecturally significant in terms of period, style, method of building construction, or association with a famous architect or builder, or is importantly associated with one or more historic persons or events, or the broad architectural, political, economic or social history of the Town or Commonwealth, provided that the owner of such a building and the Building Inspector have been notified, in hand or by certified mail within ten (10) days of such Commission vote.
Votes may be taken.
Provincetown Independent: August 1,2024 and August 8, 2024