ORLEANS — Curling always mystified Ron Fancy. And so, he took up the sport. He had watched curling on TV, Fancy said, but “I just couldn’t understand how they did […]
Brooke Clenchy Chosen to Lead Nauset Schools
The current interim sees ‘so much goodness and good work we can do’
ORLEANS — Expressing strong support for the candidate who has served as interim superintendent for the last seven months, school authorities chose Brooke Clenchy to be the next long-term occupant […]
Hockey Teams Drop Two Games to Sandwich
A weekly preview of Nauset High sports
ORLEANS — Sandwich has had Nauset High’s number on the ice this season. There were just a few minutes remaining in regulation in the Nauset boys ice hockey game against […]
Finalists for Nauset Superintendent Include Clenchy
Visits to the four candidates’ districts will be followed by public forums
ORLEANS — The Nauset Regional School District Superintendent Search Committee has named four finalists after interviewing seven from among a field of 17 candidates. The district’s 15-member expanded search committee, […]
Storms, Sanding, and the Slow Restoration of Sassamanesh Farm
Bringing back an old cranberry bog is ‘a different adventure every year’
ORLEANS — The Outer Cape has its wild cranberry patches, hidden in the dunes and alongside ponds. But it takes a road trip to Orleans to find a cultivated bog. […]
Orleans Will Fund Nauset Beach Project, Dredging, Free Preschool
ORLEANS — The Nauset Beach retreat project, dredging at Rock Harbor, and a preschool support program were among the articles passed at the Orleans special town meeting held on Oct. […]
Search for New Nauset Superintendent Begins
ORLEANS — If everything goes according to plan, the Nauset Regional Schools will name a new superintendent by Jan. 29, 2022. Thus far, the search committee has held four public […]
Stewart Trial, Set for September, Probably Won’t Take Place
The sexual assault case has already been delayed 11 times
ORLEANS — The jury trial of William Stewart, the former Eastham restaurant owner accused of harassing and threatening his female employees, is scheduled for Sept. 28 in Orleans District Court, […]
Where Ninjas Fight, but Also Giggle
In Orleans, a master of Brazilian jiu-jitsu teaches technique and tolerance
ORLEANS — Medieval Japanese warriors, known as Samurai, were renowned for their legendary swordsmanship. They also were trained to survive without their weapons by employing the traditional martial art of […]
Bobby Dalbec Remembers His Firebirds Baseball Summers Fondly
The big Red Sox infielder credits the Orleans coaches
ORLEANS — If you saw a college kid driving around town in a yellow Jeep during the summers of 2014 or 2015, it might have been Bobby Dalbec, now a […]