Is your land-maintenance program laced with synthetic chemicals that scientists say travel a foot a day on average through our sandy soil? Is it time to quit cold turkey and […]
Don’t Pave Our Natural Paradise
Turning the Old Colony Pathway into a bike thoroughfare is a bad idea
The Old Colony Nature Pathway is only 1.5 miles long, but its value to Provincetown visitors and residents is immeasurable. The pathway bisects what is known as the Provincetown Greenway, […]
Choosing Between Democracy and Theocracy
The U.S. is in danger of abandoning its historical secular ideals
The Wellfleet Community Forum met on Feb. 26 to discuss how we might bring more civility and efficiency back to our town. Moderator Dan Silverman reminded us that conflict and […]
Top-Down Control Thwarts Health Insurance Reform
Big-money players have repeatedly shelved Medicare for All
In his thoughtful op-ed essay “The Choice Facing Peake’s Successor” (Feb. 1, page A3), Stephen Kinzer reflected on the workings of the Massachusetts General Court and on Rep. Sarah Peake’s […]
The Historical Power of Storytelling
Four books that tell difficult but true stories
The powerfully told story is the muscle of history. When it is a first-person account, a primary source, the impact is even greater. The history taught during my years in […]
Eastham Is Really Good
The underdog town that rarely makes the front page
I was taken aback by the front pages of the last two editions of the Independent because both had pictures of Eastham. The Feb. 8 issue even had a front-page […]
The Choice Facing Peake’s Successor
Is it better to be represented by an insider in a flawed system?
The retirement of our state representative, Sarah Peake, after nine terms on Beacon Hill marks a generational change that may affect the Outer Cape in unexpected ways. It raises an […]
Face to Face With a Nonvoter
A reporter considers what makes a caucus bystander tick
I’m not sure exactly what I expected from my first time covering the Iowa caucuses. As a nerdy middle-schooler growing up in the D.C. suburbs, I had read some American […]
Dysfunctional Democracy
What happens when not enough people pay attention and get involved
Early in the new year, President Biden gave a powerful speech near Valley Forge warning of all the ways that democracy could be destroyed if Donald Trump returns to the […]
Bearing Witness to Exploitation
Reflections of a retired English teacher
We live in a brutish world. The front page of the daily paper illustrates this truth every morning. We are confronted with the latest details about the suffering and death […]
Reflections on a Crowded Day in Wellfleet
This year’s OysterFest had a feeling of recovery from an illness
In October I experienced my third OysterFest as a Wellfleet resident. I thought I should volunteer, and I worked stamping entrants’ hands (the ink lasts longer on the inside of […]
Haranguing the Vulnerable Is Not ‘Pro-Life’
The root causes of abortion need to be addressed
A “pro-life” organizer working with the Texas-based group 40 Days for Life recently staged 40 days of prayer vigils outside Health Imperatives, the only reproductive health clinic on Cape Cod. […]
A Treasury of Christmas Lists
The joy and sadness of an annual ritual
I’ve always envied people who keep a journal. What a marvel — to be able to look back, hear your own voice of years ago, and know what mattered most […]
On Making Changes at the County Jail
We need more treatment at every level for the mentally ill
The Independent’s Nov. 16 article “Bridges Granted Pretrial Probation After 4 Months of Incarceration” [page A8] pointed out the tangled relationship between our current mental health and criminal justice systems. […]
Let Us Put Away Violence
Standing in support of the suffering innocent
Certain dates remain etched in our minds for years because of what happened on those particular days. For many of us, Nov. 22, 1963 and Sept. 11, 2001 are two […]