PROVINCETOWN — Three months after a steep rise in Covid-19 cases tied to Provincetown’s 4th of July weekend crowds, the number of cases on the Outer Cape is low compared […]
Health & Healthcare
To Stop Domestic Violence, ‘Just Keep Talking About It’
Advocates raise voices against the silence of abuse
Shirley Smith, co-founder of the Outer Cape Committee Against Domestic Abuse (OCCADA), was in court helping a woman who had asked the judge to order additional child support from her […]
DMT, a Powerful Hallucinogen, Makes a Rare Appearance Here
It’s ‘not your garden variety psychedelic,’ researchers say
EASTHAM — As people trickled out of the Eastham Public Library on Tuesday following a historical commission meeting, several could be overheard discussing the discovery last week by local police of […]
As Delta Wanes, So Do Easy Testing Options
Still, the choices appear to provide ‘an early warning system’
PROVINCETOWN — The Delta variant of Covid-19 arrived in Provincetown like a hurricane. There was fear, economic devastation, a news camera on every corner, even a catchy name: the Provincetown […]
Provincetown Tells Workers: Get Vaccinated or Be Tested
Eastham will also require tests of unvaccinated staff
PROVINCETOWN — Town Manager Alex Morse announced a new health policy for town employees on Monday: either Covid-19 vaccination or weekly virus testing will be required. The policy will take […]
Unpacking an Outer Cape ‘Stigma’ Against Calling 911
Not seeking help or refusing transport to the hospital can have dire consequences
TRURO — “It never occurred to me to call 911,” said Millie, recalling her medical emergency in April. “Having a ‘stroke’ — it wasn’t in my vocabulary of things that could […]
Kim Powers Fights the Cape’s Overdose Crisis on Her Own
Her personal mobile service reaches drug users with life-saving help
Kim Powers is a one-woman drug-addiction harm reduction brigade. She is waging a solitary campaign to stem the rising tide of drug overdoses and deaths on Cape Cod and the […]
Two Bills Aim to Boost Child Immunizations
Low vaccination rates in Wellfleet, Eastham sway Peake and Cyr
There is not yet a Covid-19 vaccine for children under 12. But public awareness of the importance of vaccination has cast the Outer Cape’s low childhood immunization rates in a […]
Masks Likely to Be Required at Schools on Outer Cape
With no remote option, all students will be back in classrooms this fall
As vaccination rates ramped up last spring and the daily count of Covid-19 cases came down, many hoped this fall’s start of school could feel more like normal. That no […]
Truro Sees a Jump in Covid-19 Cases and Takes Action
The town reinstates a mask mandate both indoors and outdoors in crowds
TRURO — New Covid-19 infections here, some connected to the July Provincetown cluster, have led officials and business owners to reinstate pandemic protocols. At the beginning of July, Truro had […]
Covid Cluster Puts Provincetown on the Bleeding Edge
By some measures, the outbreak peaked here on July 19
PROVINCETOWN — The entire nation got a new universal indoor masking advisory last week, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention put Provincetown squarely in the middle of their […]
Local Businesses, Health Care Providers Resist Requiring Vaccine
Experts agree on the vaccines’ effectiveness, but not on mandates
Editor’s note: This story has been updated with new information since its publication in the Aug. 5 print edition. PROVINCETOWN — Since May, Patrick Patrick, head of the Provincetown Chamber […]
Provincetown Brings Back Indoor Mask Mandate
Rising case count includes 171 Provincetown residents
PROVINCETOWN — The board of health and select board held their second emergency joint meeting in only seven days on July 25 and imposed an indoor mask mandate, effective immediately. […]
Misinformation on Covid Vaccines Abounds
The U.S. Surgeon General urges everyone to join the fight, a ‘moral imperative’
A bitter rift has opened between those vaccinated against Covid-19 and those who have chosen to remain unvaccinated. Evidence of it is easy to find: just check out the comments […]
On Outer Cape, Data Show Whites Have Lowest Vaccination Rate
The Jamaican pastor of Truro's Chapel on the Pond leads by example
PROVINCETOWN — The official statistics from the state Dept. of Public Health say that 114 percent of the residents of Provincetown have been vaccinated against Covid-19. Obviously, that is impossible. […]